National 5 Physical Education
2G Explain why it is important to set targets when creating a personal development programme. (3 marks)
Target Setting By this point of the Portfolio we have collected our data and identified our strengths and weaknesses. We are getting ready to begin to create our Personal Development Plan; however, before we do that, we need to set ourselves targets to aim for. The targets we set ourselves need to be S.M.A.R.T. Specific – is the target focused on the weakness? Measurable –can you tell if you have reached the target? Attainable – is the target achievable? Realistic – is the target too easy or too hard for your level of ability? Time? – have you set a date or time to reach your target?
Why is it important to set goals??? Increase in motivation and determination by providing goals which are realistic and attainable. Reinforces desire to keep working as you can see yourself making progress towards a goal. Provides a performance focus as you have something which is measurable to strive towards. Provides a benchmark to measure progress against.
Why do we set targets when creating a training programme? Target Setting Why do we set targets when creating a training programme?
How to structure your response It is important to set goals that are specific to my weaknesses this allows me to… It is equally important to set goals that are measurable, this allows you to… When setting goals they should also be attainable, by making the goal attainable I can… Furthermore the goals that I set should always be realistic, setting goals that are realistic is useful to me because I wont become… Finally all goals should be time bound, this increases my…
2F With reference to the data, identify an appropriate target for each factor.
2F- Target Setting Identify a physical target: Example: To improve my CRE for netball, so that I can maintain a high skill level throughout the game. I would like to be able to score 7.9 in the bleep test by the end of my 6 weeks of training. Identify a mental target: Example: To not doubt my ability during a match if I lose a point or two in quick succession. I want to remain confident and clear the mistake from my head immediately.