Testing Plan and Status Chris Scanlon LCLS-II Software Review November 14, 2018
Charge 1. GENERAL a. Is the documentation and coding maturity consistent with the schedule? b. Is the schedule compatible with the overall plan including installation and commissioning? 2. EQUIPMENT PROTECTION a. Are all equipment protection functions (in particular responses to abnormal conditions such as trips, alarms and interlocks) comprehensive, clearly identified, documented, implemented and traceable to the PLC code? 3. DEFINITION AND DOCUMENTATION a. Are all automated functions (alarms, trips, interlocks / permissive, cause and effects, control loops, and automated sequences) sufficiently documented for coding, testing, commissioning, operation and troubleshooting? 5. BENCH TESTING a. Has JLAB developed an appropriate plan for testing the CRYOPLANT control systems? b. Is the EPICS HMI testing integrated with the PLC tests? 6. COMMISSIONING c. Does JLAB’s plan for commissioning and testing of the coldboxes appropriately address commissioning and checkout of the PLC controls prior to testing the coldboxes? LCLS-II Software Review, November 14, 2018
Outline Testing Steps Testing Plan Testing Status LCLS-II Software Review, November 14, 2018
Testing Plan – Bench Testing Using the software and testing specifications, test every I/O and functionality: I/O scaling Alarms Trips Interlocks PID loops Calculations Correct representation in the HMI This speeds commissioning by reducing potential software bugs and increasing trust in the software. Put dates for expected testing completion. LCLS-II Software Review, November 14, 2018
Testing Steps – Bench Testing Tests software functionality Alarms, trips, interlocks, correct I/O ranges, sequences, PID loops, etc HMI testing is included in this. Outlined in 79120-C6004 LCLS-II Cryoplant Software Testing Specification: LCLS-II Software Review, November 14, 2018
Testing Plan – Bench Testing Due to the graphic nature of ladder logic, used to program most of the LCLS-II cryoplant PLC functionality, troubleshooting is relatively simple. Any errors found during bench testing will be corrected as part of the testing process. Errors found in the documentation will be corrected at the conclusion of testing. LCLS-II Software Review, November 14, 2018
Testing Steps – Precommissioning Precommissioning plant check out Tests installed hardware, instruments and cabling Turn on PLC and determine which inputs are not functioning properly, lift wire to inputs to verify correct input assignment. To troubleshoot: Verify wiring between PLC and field box Resistance test to verify not open Disconnect wire to verify correct terminals Verify wiring between field box and instrument Verify functionality of the instrument (if possible) Source loop power or command with process meter Valves need to be calibrated individually after installation. Pressure transducers will be calibrated in the field in lieu of lifting a wire. Determine safety of actuating outputs before testing. LCLS-II Software Review, November 14, 2018
Testing Steps – Precommissioning An example from the Software Testing Specification 79120- C6004 LCLS-II Software Review, November 14, 2018
Testing Steps – Precommissioning An example from the Software Testing Form 79120-C6005 LCLS-II Software Review, November 14, 2018
Testing Plan – Precommissioning Using the cryoplant wiring diagrams, verify all I/O and wiring. This reduces commissioning time by reducing the number of holds for troubleshooting a problem and increasing trust in the wiring and instrumentation. LCLS-II Software Review, November 14, 2018
Testing Status – Controls Enclosures Controls Enclosure Inspection Each control enclosure that will be installed by the GC was inspected by at least three people from the LCLS-II project. Spot checks were performed for point to point wiring, resistance check, pull test and instrument functionality LCLS-II Software Review, November 14, 2018
Testing Status – Bench Testing Bench testing has started for the 2K cold compressor drive communication. This is the big difference between the way the cold compressor are controlled at Jlab versus LCLS-II. JLab asked for assistance with cold compressor communication from the FRIB project, which use the same cold compressor drives, but FRIB refused. After successful cold compressor drive communication, full bench testing will start with the utility system PLC software and then the gas management system PLC software. LCLS-II Software Review, November 14, 2018
Testing Status – Bench Testing Air Liquide developed the control philosophy (software specification) and agreed to back and forth software development. We had a meeting in September to discuss the differences between LCLS-II’s operational ideas and Air Liquide’s Air Liquide has responded with a revised control philsophy Air Liquide will visit JLab and witness the final testing of the 4K cold box PLC software. Air Liquide will review JLab’s PLC code before commissioning. LCLS-II Software Review, November 14, 2018
Testing Status – Bench Testing PLC racks Cold compressor drive The current state of bench testing at JLab. At least one of each instrument and I/O card is available. LCLS-II Software Review, November 14, 2018
Charge 1. GENERAL a. Is the documentation and coding maturity consistent with the schedule? Yes. b. Is the schedule compatible with the overall plan including installation and commissioning? Yes. 2. EQUIPMENT PROTECTION a. Are all equipment protection functions (in particular responses to abnormal conditions such as trips, alarms and interlocks) comprehensive, clearly identified, documented, implemented and traceable to the PLC code? Yes. 3. DEFINITION AND DOCUMENTATION a. Are all automated functions (alarms, trips, interlocks / permissive, cause and effects, control loops, and automated sequences) sufficiently documented for coding, testing, commissioning, operation and troubleshooting? Yes. 5. BENCH TESTING a. Has JLAB developed an appropriate plan for testing the CRYOPLANT control systems? Yes. b. Is the EPICS HMI testing integrated with the PLC tests? Yes. 6. COMMISSIONING c. Does JLAB’s plan for commissioning and testing of the coldboxes appropriately address commissioning and checkout of the PLC controls prior to testing the coldboxes? Yes. LCLS-II Software Review, November 14, 2018
THANK YOU FOR KIND ATTENTION LCLS-II Software Review, November 14, 2018