john John 9.1–41 Conflict 03
1. How did Jesus heal the man blind from birth (9.1–7)?
2. How did the neighbors and others react to seeing the formerly blind man who was now seeing (9.8–12)?
3. Why did the Pharisees call Jesus a sinner (9.13–17)?
4. Why were the man’s parents not willing to tell the Jewish leaders how their son was healed (9.18–23)?
5. What did the man know (9.24–34)?
6. Why did Jesus say he came into the world (9.35–41)?
Digging Deeper:
7. Jesus had already proven that he could perform miracles by just speaking or even thinking something and it would come to pass. Why do you think he made mud and used it in this healing (9.6)?
8. Is the inspired recording of the uninspired statement in 9. 31 true 8. Is the inspired recording of the uninspired statement in 9.31 true? Explain? Are there any other passages that relate to these ideas?
9. Jesus said a part of his mission was to open the eyes of the blind (9.39). Where else is this discussed in the Bible? What does this mean?
10. What was John’s point in recording the events of this chapter?
11. It is not necessary for us to be able to engage in theological debates to be a faithful Christian or to bring others to Christ (cf. 2 Peter 3.15–16). What should we know, though, to be a faithful Christian and to to bring others to Christ?
12. Jesus healed physical blindness, with the implication that he can heal spiritual blindness. How is spiritual blindness healed in us? How do we “open the eyes” of others who are spiritually blind?
john John 9.1–41 Conflict 03
john John 10.1–11.53 Conflict 04–05