The dangers of disunity


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Presentation transcript:

The dangers of disunity Numbers 32

The dangers of disunity BACKGROUND Numbers is an account of the time between the Exodus and the entry into the Promised Land They are encamped in Moabite territory They are nearly ready to enter the Promised Land In this chapter a potentially divisive situation is dealt with

The dangers of disunity BACKGROUND TO THE REQUEST The Israelites have conquered a large area east of the Jordan, outside the Promised Land They have killed the kings (Og and Bashan) who had ruled there It is a fertile area, good for grazing animals such as cattle and sheep After the defeat of the Midianites there are large numbers of livestock - God’s provision

The dangers of disunity THE REQUEST OF REUBEN AND GAD The leaders of the tribes of Reuben and Gad ask Moses to allow them to settle in the conquered land and not receive an inheritance in Canaan They ask that they are not taken over the Jordan (5) In doing so they are perhaps despising the promise of God

The dangers of disunity MOSES’ RESPONSE He is furious! He accuses them of deserting their fellow Israelites Their actions would dishearten the other tribes They are behaving like the faithless spies who were responsible for the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness and the many deaths that ensued He is probably mindful that two of the leaders in Korah’s rebellion were Reubenites (16:1) They represented around 1/7 of the army

The dangers of disunity THE TRIBES RESPOND They will not desert their fellow Israelites They will fortify the towns and build protective shelters for their women, children and livestock They will cross the Jordan at the front of the army When the Promised Land is secure they will return to east of the Jordan Moses is pleased with their proposal and agrees to it but he also warns them that if they behave faithlessly their sin will have consequences (v 23)

The dangers of disunity THE TRIBES DO AS THEY PROMISE The lands of the Amorites and Bashan are settled The area known as Gilead is conquered and settled by a half tribe of Manasseh (presumably they liked what Reuben and Gad had proposed) They fortified the towns and built protective shelters for their women, children and livestock When Joshua crosses the Jordan the tribes that are at the front are Reuben, Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh (Joshua 4:12) They did not return east of the Jordan until the land was conquered (Joshua 22)

The dangers of disunity THE TRIBES DO AS THEY PROMISE BUT… The fact that these tribes go first is a contradiction of God’s commands in 2:3 – 16 (should be Judah, Issachar and Zebulun at the front) From Joshua 4:13 we see that only 40,000 men cross the Jordan out of over 80,000 counted at the census in chapter 26 The first tribes to go into exile are Reuben, Gad and Manasseh (1 Chronicles 5:26)

The dangers of disunity LESSONS FOR TODAY It is so easy for misunderstandings to happen that can have devastating results in the life of a church Disunity and division are key areas for the enemy to exploit against Christians Disagreements will happen but how we deal with them are crucial – in love, with integrity, with the benefitting of the Kingdom of God at heart Be careful what you promise to do – we will reap what we sow Never despise the promises of God