Automated Infrastructure as a Service A Team Somnium Project John Factura Marcus Brathwaite Clennon Aranha
Agenda Project Purpose What is Automated Infrastructure as a Service? Challenges/Hardships Accomplishments Lessons Learned Budget Conclusion Acknowledgements
Project Purpose Conceptual design to provide clients with their very own Virtual Private Server (VPS), which can be used to meet whatever their needs are VPS can be created through the company website in which they can design particular components such as RAM, Hard Disk size, Processor Cores, and the Name
What is Automated Infrastructure as a Service? Team Somnium’s Automated Infrastructure as a Service aims to fulfill that need We allow clients to create their own Virtual Machine through our company website Clients can specify specific needs such as RAM, Hard Disk size, Processor Cores and the Name, and implement those settings to their Virtual Machine
Challenges/Hardships Could not configure Cisco router to interface with Nortel switch Had to redesign our Network to use a SOHO router instead, which allowed for communication to the external network (SAITNet) Creating PHP scripts that would safely and successfully take information to and from our MariaDB database took longer than expected Certain components such as shell_exec() and SESSIONS() had to be researched and tested along the way Discovered that PowerShell was needed for our project, so time had to be allocated to learn PowerShell Some of the scripts were more difficult to figure out i.e. some commands needed specific parameters that were unknown to us
Challenges/Hardships Could not figure out how to traverse through pages while using the POST method on HTML Tried using Tokens but it didn’t work For the time being, users have to re login each time they perform a task on the website
Accomplishments Working company website with full functionality PHP script was able to communicate with our database and extract/input information Created a PowerShell script that successfully created virtual machines based on user input Server running VMware ESXi, managed through Windows Server 2012 R2 VM with RDS capabilities
Lessons Learned Networking is not our strongest suite Learning PowerShell was tedious but it is a great language to know going out into industry Time management – have to know when too much time has been spent on a task Sanitize input on forms to prevent malicious input such as SQL Injections, Cross-Site Scripting
Budget Hardware and Software Costs Item Quantity Cost/Item Total Cost 8 GB ECC RAM 6 $61.58 $369.48 DL385 G7 Enterprise Server with Dual AMD Opteron Processors 1 $4,543.56 SOHO Router $80.00 Switch $60.00 Acer 21.5” Full HD Monitor 3 $120.00 $360.00 VMWare vSphere Essentials Plus License $4437.32 Total: $9850.36
Operating Costs Predicted Operating Costs Actual Operating Costs Name Hours Rate Cost Marcus Brathwaite 130 $55.00 $7150.00 Clennon Aranha John Factura Total: $21,450.00 Name Hours Rate Cost Marcus Brathwaite 95 $55.00 $4400.00 Clennon Aranha 87 $55.0 $5255.00 John Factura 100 $5500.00 Total 282 $165.00 $15,155.00
Conclusion We’re pushing an easier way to provide cloud computing, utilizing the skills and knowledge acquired from SAIT.
Acknowledgements Christopher Driedger Jason Fisher For teaching us Data Center related techniques and practices Jason Fisher For helping us out along our Capstone journey Candace Van Apeldoorn For teaching us everything web related such as HTML, PHP, CSS. Quamar Al-Zaman For teaching us the use of Microsoft software such as Active Directory, Remote Desktop Services, DNS and many others.
Thank You