A Treasurer’s Wish List - 2019 and beyond December 2018 Webinar
Introductions Lee Ann Perkins Assistant Treasurer Ion Geophysical Treasurer TBD
Roles and Responsibilities Overview of company Goals of the organization Financial Organization Treasury Team Goals My Goals My internal and external champions How I get it all done
Wish List – Treasury Team Size Roles Responsibilities Engagement with internal business partners
Wish List - Systems Process Efficiencies How things work together – Interfaces / APIs Team interface with systems Reporting
Wish List – External Partnerships / Vendors Whom I work with regularly How we collaborate Solutions Championship Piloting Building Relationships
In Closing Thank you to our Panelists! Thank you to our Members and Friends for an amazing year! 32 Engaged Members Mix of Programming January (1.2), March (7), May (1.2), June (1.2), October (2.4), November (1.2), December (1.2) – 15.4 CTP Credits 60 Attendees of our Financial Forum Outstanding Membership Appreciation Event in June
Looking Forward….to 2019 Please Renew Invite team members, clients, vendors to join Save the Dates January 16 – Kim Rector, MACHA March 13 – Financial Forum May 15 – Treasury Topic TBD June 19 – Membership Appreciation Event