Options in Year 9 11 January 2017 www.woldinghamschool.co.uk
Core Curriculum All students will continue to study the following subjects: English Mathematics Science Theology History Geography Physical Education Health Education
Options All students must choose to study at least one Modern Foreign Language (taught for 5 lessons per fortnight) from: French Spanish German All students will also choose to study up to four (and at least two) ‘Creative’ subjects (taught for 3 lessons per fortnight) from: Art Music Drama Design Technology Computing
A Second Language? Some students may decide to continue with the two modern foreign languages they have been studying in Year 8. If they choose this option they will do 3 Creative subjects.
Latin Latin can be chosen as Either: Or: A second language (alongside French, Spanish or German). This will be studied for 5 lessons per fortnight. This will mean students can only choose 3 Creative options. Or: A third language option. This will be studied for 3 lessons per fortnight so is really only suitable for the very best linguists. This will mean students can only choose 2 Creative subjects.
Science In Year 9, Science is taught in the three individual subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Physics). Students will have 9 lessons of Science per fortnight (3 for each individual Science subject).
Additional Support Any student requiring either SEN or EAL support will only study 4 options, most likely one language and 3 ‘creative’ subjects. They will receive EAL or SEN support within the available free lessons that results from this arrangement.
Deadlines The Options forms will be sent out to all parents over half term. These forms should be returned on Monday 20th February. A copy of this PowerPoint presentation will be emailed to you this week and will be sent to your parents. Your Parents’ Evening on Friday 17th March is an opportunity for your parents to discuss your Year 9 options with subject teachers. smithi@woldinghamschool.co.uk
Options in Year 9 11th January 2017 www.woldinghamschool.co.uk