Chapter 16 Test Review Part 1 Jeopardy Chapter 16 Test Review Part 1
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How did people come to North America first? Following an Ice Age, an area of dry land was exposed between Asia and Alaska, and people followed animals they were hunting across it. How did people come to North America first? Category 1 Question 1
what did early Americans do for food? Farmed corn and other plant crops. When the Ice Age ended, what did early Americans do for food? Category 1 Question 2
Mesoamericans could now do Settle in one place and stop searching for food. As a result of farming, Mesoamericans could now do What? Category 1 Question 3
The Olmec people farmed, but Lacked enough _______, so What is raw materials and trade? The Olmec people farmed, but Lacked enough _______, so They built an economy based On this. Category 1 Question 4
The Toltec people held a Monopoly of obsidian, which What are weapons? The Toltec people held a Monopoly of obsidian, which Prevented their rivals from Making these. Category 1 Question 5
These people were located in the deserts on the Who are the Moche From A.D. 100 to A.D. 700, These people were located in the deserts on the coast of South America, so They built canals for irrigation To farm. Category 2 Question 1
Biggest empire in the ancient Who are the Inca? These people built the Biggest empire in the ancient Americas. Category 2 Question 2
These people were the first to permanately Who are the Hohokam, and they built 500 miles of irrigation canals to being river waters to their farms. These people were the first to permanately settle in what is today the SouthWest U.S. They were able to settle in such a dry, hot desert because of… Category 2 Question 3
Describe Anasazi houses What is like huge apartment-like houses carved into cliffs, and held thousands of people? Describe Anasazi houses Category 2 Question 4
This is what Mayan and Aztec What is a place for spiritual/religious worship and ceremonies, for the leader to address his people, and for human sacrifice. This is what Mayan and Aztec Temples were used for. Category 2 Question 5
This word describes the Religions of the Maya, Aztec, What is polytheistic? This word describes the Religions of the Maya, Aztec, And Inca people in terms of How many gods they Worshiped. Category 3 Question 1
This is what the Maya, Aztec, What is human sacrifice? This is what the Maya, Aztec, And Inca performed to honor their gods. Category 3 Question 2
Where the Maya Empire is What is Mexico and Central America? Where the Maya Empire is Located. Category 3 Question 3
The Maya were advanced in Astronomy because they did What is studied the stars and planets to create a calendar? The Maya were advanced in Astronomy because they did These things. Category 3 Question 4
What is present-day Mexico City? Where the Aztec Empire Was located. Category 3 Question 5
The name of the Aztec capital And where it was located. What is Tenochtitlan, located in the middle of a lake? The name of the Aztec capital And where it was located. Category 4 Question 1
The two types of power that Aztec and Inca leaders had. What is spiritual and political? The two types of power that Aztec and Inca leaders had. Category 4 Question 2
What the Aztecs would do or What is imprison, enslave, and demand tribute? What the Aztecs would do or Demand from those they Conquered. Category 4 Question 3
Aztec boys were trained to be Aztec girls were trained to be Boys: What is hunters and warriors? Girls: What is mothers and cooks? Aztec boys were trained to be These two things. Aztec girls were trained to be Category 4 Question 4
Pachacuti was a great leader Who are the Inca? Pachacuti was a great leader Of these people. Category 4 Question 5