3rd Workshop University of Naples, Italy Group 6 Prometheans Teacher plan Magic shadows
Expected Outcomes PRIMARY SCHOOL Distinguish different kinds of geometric figures. Understand that the position of the light source effects the shape, the size and the position of the shadow. Connect and interpret their everyday experiences with physics.
Basic topics Methodology Shadows Geometrical forms Learning by experiments
Activities Let the pupils build their own objects to watch the shadow of it. The pupils predict the size and shape of the shadows for: different geometrical objects, and different light positions Pupils will perform the experiment and draw the figures they see on a sheet of paper. Pupils will make the link between shadow shape, the geometry of the object and position of light source
Teaching materials Geometrical objects Cubes, triangles…. Torch Screen
Games! The children can play games - applets on the internet to help them to understand shadows more http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/science/physical_process es/shadows/play/
Shadow Hunting The children and their parents walk around the house, garden and locality searching for shadows. When they find a shadow, they should draw it or take a picture of it (As an alternative, they could also look for pictures of shadows on the internet for example pyramid of Taigetos http://www.phorum.gr/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=15407 6). After the shadow hunt, they discuss the shapes that they found with their parents. Are they regular shapes or are they unusual?
Shadow Theatre Parents and Children create a shadow theatre which they will present in the class.
Thank you for your attention!!