SAMPLE Starter Think back to our last lesson… Write down five key facts about Galen in your exercise book SAMPLE
What factors influenced Roman development? Lesson Title: What factors influenced Roman development? To know the changes and continuities between Ancient Greek medicine and Ancient Roman medicine To understand what factors led to developments in Ancient Roman medicine Skills: note taking, categorising information, comparison SAMPLE
Task One Look at the cut and stick factors worksheet and put the following headings in your book… war/the army governments religion technological developments individuals Cut out each of the cards from the cut and stick factors sheet and stick them down in your book under the headings for the factors which best fit the information on the cards You may wish to use pages 36-47 of your textbook to help you decide which factor each card should go in to Once you have completed the cut and stick activity, explain which of factor you think was the most significant in Ancient Rome SAMPLE
Task Two Read through the information on page 49 of your textbook Copy out the two summary boxes on change and continuity Note down any other important information that you read SAMPLE
Plenary On a scale of 1 to 5 how significant are each of the following for the health of wealthy people in Roman Britain: Galen the Roman army herbal remedies women as healers What about their significance for the health of poor people in Roman Britain? 1=not significant at all 5=very significant SAMPLE