EC Monday Meeting Report November 14, 2005 Vancouver, BC, CA Robert F. Heile
Monday EC Meeting-Vancouver November 2005 Monday EC Meeting-Vancouver Mike Kipness is new IEEE staff liaison to 802 Approval thresholds for letter ballots under discussion Will be meetings to discuss MyBallot and MyProject Proposals being made to ProCom regarding undue influence and affiliation. Will be more discussion on the here this week. Robert F. Heile
Monday EC Meeting- Vancouver November 2005 Monday EC Meeting- Vancouver Almost 2M downloads for Get 802 program since its inception, average is 8500/week. Top 3 are 802.11, 802.3 and 802.15.4 European Patent Office would like access to 802 documents- capability already exists for all docs except drafts Online training contract with Avilar has been signed-development of on-line training based on classroom program Robert F. Heile
Monday EC Meeting- Vancouver November 2005 Monday EC Meeting- Vancouver Approved payment of Arent-Fox legal bills regarding IDEAL. Presented a brief update on RFP for attendance and doc management seeking that 802 take responsibility for implementing Attend the tutorials-1Gbps WLAN, Detection of low power devices, and 802 process improvement discussion. See posted schedule Robert F. Heile
Monday EC Meeting- Vancouver November 2005 Monday EC Meeting- Vancouver JTC1/SC6 dual fast track ballot has been started on the 11i/WAPI issue with a discrepancy period. Several discrepancy reports have been filed. Ballot runs 6 months. Multiple issues and procedural irregularities remain. Groups will co-meet with us in March. Need to maintain an arms length relationship. Geoff and Roger to draft a chairs guideline on how to proceed. Robert F. Heile
Monday EC Meeting- Vancouver November 2005 Monday EC Meeting- Vancouver P&P revision process continues. Attempts being made to make it less than complex and confusing. Discussion on wireless architecture subgroup. Charter and purpose will be finalized this week. 802.20 appeals process hearing scheduled for the March plenary session. Robert F. Heile
Monday EC Meeting- Vancouver November 2005 Monday EC Meeting- Vancouver All 802 interim for Jan 2007 in London is finalized. Reminder- another 2 years bites the dust. March 2006 is officer election time. Robert F. Heile