don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Device integration into automation systems with configurable device handler Scheibelmasser, Traussnigg, Schindin, Derado don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Contents Test bed automation Types of device handler Device integration goals Configurable Device Handler (CDH) CDH configuration procedure CDH runtime functionality Future extensions, conclusion don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Test bed automation Combustion engine test and development (CAT) Control the test bed in a defined mode (test run) Evaluate and control sensors, actuators and complex devices Acquire data, calculate and store results Real time behaviour don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Test bed automation: Device categories Intelligent subsystems Measurement devices Small automation systems Controlled via communication lines Simple sensors/actuators Part of the real time data acquisition Fully integrated in the automation system Parameters (filter, buffer, sampling rate) don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Test bed automation: Device handler Uniform SW-Layer for device control and data acquisition Use of Platform Adapter interfaces for OS and lower OSI/ISO-Layer access Implements interfaces to the Automation Systems Device Framework (PUMA) don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Test bed automation: Handler Functions Synchronisation Supports states and transitions of the Device Framework Implementation of mandatory methods Abstract method definitions Device specific implementation Visualisation (GUI) Interface Data: System Channel Commands: Activation Objects don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Contents Test bed automation Types of device handler Device integration goals Configurable Device Handler (CDH) CDH configuration procedure CDH runtime functionality Future extensions, conclusion don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Types of device handler Device Specific Handler: Handler programmed for a special measurement device Functionality fixed (hard coded) Configurable Device Handler: Generic PUMA Device Handler Configuration instead of programming Device functionality given by means of parameterisation don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Contents Test bed automation Types of device handler Device integration goals Configurable Device Handler (CDH) CDH configuration procedure CDH runtime functionality Future extensions, conclusion don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Device integration goals Low integration costs and effort Focus on device functionality Consideration of automation and not of a specific automation system Improved costumisation High flexibility No programming skills Support of standards (e.g. ASAM-GDI) Advantages of Scripting and Labview CDH don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Contents Test bed automation Types of device handler Device integration goals Configurable Device Handler (CDH) CDH configuration procedure CDH runtime functionality Future extensions, conclusion don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Configurable Device Handler Configurable Device Generator Offline component for configuration (Wizard) Configurable Device Panel Online Handler visualization (generic GUI) Configurable Device Engine Online interpreter engine Mesaurement Device Description Measurement Description File don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Contents Test bed automation Types of device handler Device integration goals Configurable Device Handler (CDH) CDH configuration procedure CDH runtime functionality Future extensions, conclusion don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 CDH configuration procedure : General Device integration assumptions: Knowledge of device states, functions and communication protocol telegrams Knowledge of PUMA Open Standard Commands and the expected device behaviour Idea for the implementation of the Standard Commands (e.g Initialize, Measurement...) Device integration definition steps: Physical Line, Variables, Telegrams, Sequences, MDD-File don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 CDH configuration procedure : Line CDG-wizard guides the device integrator through the necessary step Physical Line Definition RS232, Ethernet (TCP/IP, UDP) COM-Port, Baudrate, Frame Port, IP-Address Timeout don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 CDH configuration procedure : Variable Device Variable Definition Variables are gained from device protocol telegrams Systemchannels are generated according to Variable definition Systemchannels are connected to all PUMA components Value:FB_Temperature Unit:°C I/O-Type:Output Type: Float Initial Value:0 Minimum: -10 Maximum: 70 don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 CDH configuration procedure : Telegram Telegram Definition Telegrams are used to control the device, to set parameters or to inquire values from the device Send/Receive-Telegram definitions enables CDH the fill in/extract variables to/from the device protocol Send telegram: [STX] AWRT K0 [ETX] Receive telegram: [STX] AWRT [ETX] Send text: AWRT #channel# Receive text: AWRT #error_status# #measurement_value# don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 CDH configuration procedure: Sequence Sequence Definition Sequences separated in single (start, end) and cyclic activities Sequences are a list of telegrams, conditions and functions in an logical order Sequences are used as complex PUMA commands Mandatory Standard Commands acts as PUMA synchronisation don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 CDH configuration procedure : Global Global Condition Necessary reactions on every protocol frame Useful for error- or checksum handling Reduction of telegrams and conditions in sequences don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Contents Test bed automation Types of device handler Device integration goals Configurable Device Handler (CDH) CDH configuration procedure CDH runtime functionality Future extensions, conclusion don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 CDH runtime functionality Device communication based on parameterisation, stored in MDD-File Measurement Device Description File MDD don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Contents Test bed automation Types of device handler Device integration goals Configurable Device Handler (CDH) CDH configuration procedure CDH runtime functionality Future extensions, conclusion don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Future CDH steps Calculation capability Device auto detect Multiline connection Binary protocol Fieldbus support ASAM-GDI standard don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Conclusion CDH as a new approach for device integration Excellent practical experiences Integration on customer site, even for third party devices Increased quality of device integration Decreased integration time and costs Integration possible in the office with simulator … Device Integration got very easy (if you understand the device well) don't stop thinking about tomorrow DI Anton Scheibelmasser Setubal ICINCO /25 Thank you for your attention !