Ask the Psoriasis Expert
Psoriasis in 2018 It Was a Very Good Year
Topical Treatments
HP/TAZ Fixed Combination Study Design
HP/TAZ Fixed Combination Lotion Efficacy
HP 0.01% Lotion Phase 3 Trials
MC2-01 Cal BDP Cream PAD
How Will New Topical Treatments Impact Clinical Practice?
Tildrakizumab ReSURFACE Trials
Tildrakizumab in Patients With Inadequate Response to Etanercept at Week 28
Brodalumab in Patients Who Failed IL-17A Agents
Risankizumab UltIMMA Trials
Risankizumab Efficacy
Bimekizumab BE ABLE Phase 2 Trial
Mirikizumab 52-Week Efficacy in PASI 90 Nonresponders at Week 16
Oral TYK-2 Inhibitor Phase 2 Trial
How Will New Targeted Agents Fit Into Practice?
Comorbid Psoriatic Arthritis
Comorbid Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Pregnancy and Nursing Mothers
Go Team!
Concluding Remarks