Nigeria Shell made billions in profit. Costs very cheap. Max top L1 if no named country or name country not LIC/NEE. Manufacturing industry creates jobs so that the employees pay taxes which the government can… (Investment / education?) Paid employment also means a greater number of people with money to Spend on… Industries themselves will also pay taxes… There is also a multiplier effect as industries stimulate growth… As industries grow they will attract foreign companies, often TNCs, who will… advantages Shell made billions in profit. Costs very cheap. Jobs in the oil industry, increased tax revenue. New skills and expertise that the country may not have. Can provide new technology that helps economic development.
3 ideas to develop for 6 marks: Population forecast in Oxfordshire and London – Who needs the water? Transfers are from areas with… and going to areas with… Increased uses are in areas where they use a lot of…
Is our weather becoming more extreme? Higher risks of flooding and higher wind speeds. Discuss: The high levels of rainfall Intensity of wind High temperatures Warmer and wetter winters Some think - Global average temp increase 2-3°C Others think – 4-5°C
Why do Impacts and reactions differ between the two different developed countries? Italy Pakistan Income level HIC NEE GDP $2.144 trillion $109 billion (2005) Magnitude 6.3 7.6 Time of day 3.32am 8.50am Deaths 308 87,000 Homeless 67,500 3.5 million Cost of damages $1.1billion $2.3 billion Differences Impacts difference reasons Cost of damages – Pakistan $2.3 billion and Italy $1.1 billion. Time of day - Time of year – Death toll – Pakistan was a higher magnitude earthquake and due to having a lower GDP their buildings were cheaply built with poor materials such as concrete roofs and thin steel frames which collapsed. Therefore reason for higher homelessness in Pakistan.
Students might use an example (place) or discussion of soft engineering techniques. Soft engineering: beach replenishment; beach recycling; beach re-profiling. Students who simply describe methods of soft engineering will be restricted to lower levels. For higher level marks the emphasis needs to move towards considering how soft engineering methods work in order to protect coastal areas from physical processes.
Our example: Kilnsea – built their own ditch system (managed retreat)