The Amazing Red Fox By: Cheyenne Lee
What does my animal look like? It has red, white, and a little gray It has fur and a tail It can weigh 9 to 11½ lbs. The length it can go up to is 18 to 36 inches It has ears and a big bushy tail with white on the end
Where does my animal live? They live in dens They live in Europe, Asia, North Africa, North America, Central America, and Australia
What does my animal eat? The Red Fox is a omnivore that eats: Mice Rabbits Other small animals Berries Plants
What adaptations does it have to help it survive? How It helps the Animal Survive Burrow To hide from predators Light reflected eyes So they can see at night Hibernating So they don’t freeze to death
Predators: Enemies Some Of The Red Foxes Predators Are: Eagles Coyotes Gray Wolfs Bears Mountain Lions Humans
Here are some amazing facts: The pups open their eyes after about 10 days and are weaned at 2 months of age. The family stays together until autumn. The young then leaves to establish a new territory where they will spend their lives.