What should drive your curriculum? CSO’s! Textbooks? CSO’s? Teacher Discretion? Teacher Indiscretion?
You must cover all CSO’s… That’s what is tested! Assessments should assess the CSO’s All student activities and lessons should be centered around the CSO’s for that grade level Some CSO’s have a higher depth of knowledge (DOK) and might take more time to cover Some CSO’s will be identified as weak areas on the WESTEST and should be emphasized in your lessons Other CSO’s are specific to a particular unit of study Some CSO’s lend themselves to several units of study
Unwrapping the CSO’s–August 20th–PHS More about planning units of instruction and “chunking” the CSO’s will happen at this training. What we do today will be built upon in the fall. Using our pacing guides and curriculum maps, we will continue to evaluate, change, implement, and repeat the process every year.
CHANGE IS A PROCESS…… NOT AN EVENT CHANGE should be Gradual……..Steady………Continuous
HIGH PERFORMING SCHOOLS UNDERSTAND: __Adoption of rigorous Standards-Based Curriculum __Curriculum that is Prioritized and Mapped __Benchmarks for Student Achievement __Formative Assessments to align with Benchmarks
HIGH QUALITY RIGOROUS CURRICULUM Cannot be……………Left to Chance We need to plan for student success and mastery of the CSO’s
BENCHMARK TESTS: Powerful tool for Communication and Planning Diminishes the Possibility of Students getting left behind Should be used to guide INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS Acuity Benchmark Tests for grades 3-5 are in place Created by the WVDE using a pacing guide that has not been made public New Acuity Tests will be made this summer using KES’s pacing guide (3 teachers have been hired through the Title I Grant to make these tests)
GOALS FOR JUNE 10 MEETING - Creating Pacing Guides Review your grade level CSO’s especially in Math and RLA Decide the order in which the CSO’s will be covered Develop pacing guides with dates (week 1, etc…) for Math and RLA – Science/Social Studies if time allows Begin Planning for instruction with grade level teachers Examine the results of prior assessments – Look at DOK’s – are students mastering the CSO’s? Which needs more attention?
8:30 – 9:00 Directions, Talk, Talk, Yada, Yada, Yada Today’s Schedule: 8:30 – 9:00 Directions, Talk, Talk, Yada, Yada, Yada 9:00 – 11:00 Work in grade level groups work in your rooms so “roaming teachers” can find you 11:00 – 11:30 Sharing ideas, concerns, successes, etc… 11:30 – 12:30 Lunch on you own 12:30 – 2:30 Work in grade level groups 2:30 – 3:30 Debriefing, sharing, where do we go now?