Precalculus PreAP/Dual, Revised ©2017 §6.1B: Directional Bearing Section 6.1B Precalculus PreAP/Dual, Revised ©2017 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing
§6.1B: Directional Bearing Bearing and Course When ships or planes navigate, they need to have a simple way of explain what direction they are traveling or called a bearing. It is established as 𝑵 or 𝑺 It is an acute angle that is ALWAYS measured from the vertical (𝒚-) axis The last part is establishing an 𝑬 or 𝑾 direction The course of this measurement starts at the north pole 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing
§6.1B: Directional Bearing Example 1 Draw the bearing and identify the course degree of the direction, 𝑵𝟔𝟎°𝑬. 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing
§6.1B: Directional Bearing Example 2 Draw the bearing and identify the course degree of the direction, 𝑺𝟕𝟎°𝑬. 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing
§6.1B: Directional Bearing Example 3 Draw the bearing and identify the course degree of the direction, 𝑵𝟕𝟐°𝟏 𝟖 ′ 𝑾. 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing
§6.1B: Directional Bearing Your Turn Draw the bearing and identify the course degree of the direction, 𝑺𝟑𝟓°𝑾. 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing
§6.1B: Directional Bearing Example 4 A jeep leaves its present location and travels along bearing 𝑵𝟔𝟐°𝑾 for 29 miles. How far north and west of its original position is it? 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing
§6.1B: Directional Bearing Example 5 A private yacht travels from Myrtle Beach, SC to Freeport, Bahamas at a bearing of 𝑺 𝟏.𝟒° 𝑬 for 428 nautical miles (irrelevant). The yacht averages a speed of 20 knots per hour. (a) How long will it take the yacht to make the trip? (b) How far east and south is the yacht after 12 hours? (c) A plane leaves Myrtle Beach to Freeport. What course should it take? 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing
§6.1B: Directional Bearing Example 5a A private yacht travels from Myrtle Beach, SC to Freeport, Bahamas at a bearing of 𝑺𝟏.𝟒°𝑬 for 428 nautical miles. The yacht averages a speed of 20 knots per hour. (a) How long will it take the yacht to make the trip? 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing
§6.1B: Directional Bearing Example 5b A private yacht travels from Myrtle Beach, SC to Freeport, Bahamas at a bearing of 𝑺𝟏.𝟒°𝑬 for 428 nautical miles. The yacht averages a speed of 20 knots per hour. (b) How far east and south is the yacht after 12 hours? 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing
§6.1B: Directional Bearing Example 5b A private yacht travels from Myrtle Beach, SC to Freeport, Bahamas at a bearing of 𝑺𝟏.𝟒°𝑬 for 428 nautical miles. The yacht averages a speed of 20 knots per hour. (c) A plane leaves Myrtle Beach to Freeport. What course should it take? (drawing not to scale) 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing
§6.1B: Directional Bearing Example 6 The course for a boat race starts at Point A and proceeds in the direction of 𝑺 𝟓𝟐° 𝑾 to Point B, then in the direction of 𝑺 𝟒𝟎° 𝑬 to point C, and finally back to Point A. Point C lies 8 km directly south of Point A. What is the total distance of this race? 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing
§6.1B: Directional Bearing Example 6 The course for a boat race starts at Point A and proceeds in the direction of 𝑺 𝟓𝟐° 𝑾 to Point B, then in the direction of 𝑺 𝟒𝟎° 𝑬 to point C, and finally back to Point A. Point C lies 8 km directly south of Point A. What is the total distance of this race? 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing
§6.1B: Directional Bearing Example 6 The course for a boat race starts at Point A and proceeds in the direction of 𝑺 𝟓𝟐° 𝑾 to Point B, then in the direction of 𝑺 𝟒𝟎° 𝑬 to point C, and finally back to Point A. Point C lies 8 km directly south of Point A. What is the total distance of this race? 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing
§6.1B: Directional Bearing Example 6 The course for a boat race starts at Point A and proceeds in the direction of 𝑺 𝟓𝟐° 𝑾 to Point B, then in the direction of 𝑺 𝟒𝟎° 𝑬 to point C, and finally back to Point A. Point C lies 8 km directly south of Point A. What is the total distance of this race? 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing
§6.1B: Directional Bearing Your Turn An airplane travels at 165 mph for 2 hours in a direction of 𝑺𝟔𝟐°𝑾 from Chicago. How far south and west is the plane from Chicago? 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing
§6.1B: Directional Bearing Assignment Worksheet 2/24/2019 3:05 AM §6.1B: Directional Bearing