Honors English II Agenda 11/9/2015 Housekeeping- place homework on the right corner, sharpen your pencils, dispose of any trash etc. Distribute Vocabulary and AOW Complete Friday’s Quiz or Annotate the AOW Review the Objectives and Essential Questions Practice Logging in to Study Island Grammar Review Continue Reading The Joy Luck Club in Literature Circles Complete a Closure Question
Study Island Login Use the following directions Studyisland.com Click Login Login Using Your First Name (First Letter Capitalized).LastName (First letter capitalized)@WYWLA Asha.Watkins@WYWLA Password: Student ID Go Language Arts North Carolina English II EOC Prep (Common Core) Select Your Area of Need Impact of Tone, Theme, Inferences, etc. Select Start Studying and Practice Mode
Grammar Review Nouns NOUNS Nouns may name a person, place, thing, attribute, or idea. There is a noun to name everything you can think of. The subject of a sentence can contain nouns such as "dog,"scores," and "Ed.“ Singular and Plural Nouns Singular nouns name one thing. Plural nouns name more than one thing. To make a noun plural, add “s” to most singular nouns, drop the y and add “ies” when the singular noun ends in y preceded by a consonant, or add “es” to singular nouns ending in “s”, “sh”, “ch”, “x”, or “z”.
Grammar Review Pronouns Pronouns take the place of nouns. Pronouns include the words “I”, “we”, “she”, “him”, “them”, “my”, “their”, “whose”. RULES GOVERNING PRONOUN USAGE A pronoun must clearly refer to its antecedent(the noun, noun phrase, or pronoun it refers to) Each pronoun must agree in case, number (singular or plural), and gender (male, female, or neuter for the third-person singular) Pronouns can be in the subjective, objective, or possessive case: subjective pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence or a clause, or to refer to the subject, objective pronouns are the object of a verb or preposition, objective pronouns are the object of a verb or preposition
Answer the following Define noun, pronoun, and antecedent. When do you add an “s” to make a singular noun plural, when do you add an “ies” and when do you add and “es?” Complete the sentence: A pronoun and its antecedent must agree in _________, ____________, and ________.
Complete 8 of the following sentence starters for JLC. I noticed… I wonder… I was reminded of… I think… I’m surprised that… I’d like to know… I realized… If I were… The central issue(s) is/are… One consequence of _____________________could be… If ___________________, then… I’m not sure… Although it seems…
Honors English II Agenda 11/10/2015 Housekeeping- place homework on the right corner, sharpen your pencils, dispose of any trash etc. Vocabulary Notes Complete Ticket In and Study Island Review Review the Objectives and Essential Questions Continue Working on TJLC in Literature Circles Complete a Closure Question
Study Island Directions Use the following directions Studyisland.com Click Login Login Using Your First Name (First Letter Capitalized).LastName (First letter capitalized)@WYWLA Asha.Watkins@WYWLA Password: Student ID Go Language Arts North Carolina English II EOC Prep (Common Core) Select Your Area of Need Impact of Tone, Theme, Inferences, etc. Select Start Studying and Practice Mode
Make each of the following nouns plural (make sure you spell the plural form correctly. student computer monkey CD television mystery sky fly glass match lash fox
Answers students computers monkeys CDs televisions mysteries skies flies glasses matches lashes foxes
3-2-1 Activity Select three phrases that demonstrate powerful language-the author’s craft or style Select two sentences that you feel captures the central idea of the text and/or is meaningful to understanding the text. Select a single word the author chose that you find particularly effective. Be prepared to share and identify similarities and differences.
Honors English II Agenda 11/11/2015 Veterans Day
Honors English II Agenda 11/12/2015 Housekeeping- place homework on the right corner, sharpen your pencils, dispose of any trash etc. Complete Warm Up- Study Island Review the Objectives and Essential Questions Grammar practice Practice Close Reading Using Tan’s The Joy Luck Club Socratic Seminar Complete a Closure Question
Study Island Instructions Use the following directions Studyisland.com Click Login Login Using Your First Name (First Letter Capitalized).LastName (First letter capitalized)@WYWLA Asha.Watkins@WYWLA Password: Student ID Go Language Arts North Carolina English II EOC Prep (Common Core) Select Your Area of Need Impact of Tone, Theme, Inferences, etc. Select Start Studying and Practice Mode
Select the appropriate pronoun in the following sentences: One of the girls in my gym class twisted (their, her) ankle on the stairs. The members of the concert band will arrive early to tune (its, their) instruments. Every citizen should exercise (their, his, her) right to vote. Anyone who is entering a project in the science fair should set up (his, her, their) display. Reggie and Clara reminded (themselves, himself, herself) that the last bus would leave at 6:00p.m.
Joy Luck Club Defend or refute the following statement with three quotations (from the text) as support. Each daughter, more so than her mother, is responsible for tension/distance in the relationship.
Honors English II Agenda 11/13/2015 Housekeeping- place homework on the right corner, sharpen your pencils, dispose of any trash etc. AOW on Right Corner Joy Luck Assignments and Literature Circle Role Sheets NO WARM UP Review the Daily Objectives Complete the Test