PROJECT PROPOSAL TEMPLATE REG. NO. MGTC/DC/REC/SPP-004 REVISION 1 DATE 1/11/2018 Document Title XXXXXXX Document Revision MGTC/Group name/item/mth-yr/No# NAME & DESIGNATION Signature & Date Prepared by xxxxxxx Project Leader Checked by: Project Director / Head of Group Recommended by: Chief Operating Officer (COO) Reviewed by Strategic Planning & Performance Legal & Procurement Finance Approved for Submission by Project Approved by Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 24/02/2019
PROPOSAL OUTLINE Project Background / Objective Customer Requirements Project Scope of Work & Deliverables Project Methodology & Implementation Plan Project Impact & Risk Project Budget & Costing Recommendation 24/02/2019
1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES Explain the strategic context of undertaking this project and relate it to any previous projects/initiatives Make reference to any National/International document, Masterplan, etc. State what is the problem statement/customer pain Flow of points should lead to building up project objectives (in following slides) List (maximum) 3 objectives to be achieved upon completion of this project 24/02/2019
2.0 CUSTOMER REQUIREMENT State who are the customers and list what are their respective requirement Example: Customer A Requirement 1 Requirement 2 Requirement 3 Customer B Customer C 24/02/2019
3.0 PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK & DELIVERABLES List the key activities to be undertaken and project boundary (what will be covered and not covered) under the project Quantifiable and clear Example To develop Action Plan for 5 cities City A City B To train the following group of people Procurement officers from Ministries (100 participants) List what are the deliverables Deliverables are tangible items (e.g. reports, workshops, ICT system, software) State clearly each deliverables (e.g. if report – list title of each report) Example: Report 1: Title 1 Report 2: Title 2 24/02/2019
4.0 PROJECT METHODOLOGY & IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Develop DETAIL plan / Gantt chart for the project – as per total project duration Indicate all main activities and respective sub activities Indicate the various milestones clearly 24/02/2019
4.1 PROJECT ORGANISATION & JOB SCOPE No Designation Job Scope Competencies Requirement Indicative Salary **Multiplier / charges 1 Project Director (xxxxxxxxxx) Xxx 2 Project Leader 3 Team Member 1 4 Team Member 2 5 Team Member xxx * Indicate multiplier if relevant ** Please indicate if project is using other charging method 24/02/2019
4.2 PROJECT PARTNER/COLLABORATOR List all project partners and their scope of work No Partners Job Scope Competencies Requirement 1 Partner 1 Xxx 2 Partner 2 3 Partner 3 4 Partner 4 24/02/2019
5.0 PROJECT IMMEDIATE IMPACT Category (minor/medium/high Propose mitigation action* Timeline Deliverables Finance Resources Area Short Term Impact Long Term Impact Social Economy Environmental PROJECT IMPACT ON GTMP Relevant Sector Impact / Output Energy Manufacturing Transport Building Waste Water * Please refer to GTMP target for impact /output ** Please remove the non-related sectors 24/02/2019
Propose mitigation action plan* 5.1 RISK MANAGEMENT No Category Potential Risks* Probability (minor/medium/high) Propose mitigation action plan* 1 Timeline 2 Deliverables 3 Finance 4 Resources * More risk elements and could be added for each area. 24/02/2019
6.0 PROJECT COSTING Attach Approved Project Costing (Excel) 24/02/2019
7.0 RECOMMENDATION List what are the expected agreement from Management and support needed as well potential future collaboration 24/02/2019