How To Write the Date In Spanish Also, Spanish numbers 1-31 On September 6th and 7th, 2016
¿Cual es la fecha de hoy? What is the date of today? The 6th of September El seis de septiembre The (day) of (month) 4 words only… Seems easy right? ¿Cual es la fecha de hoy? What is the date of today?
Here are numbers 1-31 to copy down so that you can now always tell the day of the month.
The Spanish months of the year are behind you underneath the clock The Spanish months of the year are behind you underneath the clock. We will not be tested on numbers or months until next lesson, but I wanted you to know how to write the date anyway ! Spanish months
So, again, ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? El _________ de _____________. So, again, ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?