Csc354 fall 2016 assignment 3 design spec Must attend group review session on December 1 Due via D2L by end of Friday, December 2
Responsibilities Each team member must write at least 2 pages (same formatting) of text PLUS diagram(s). Must attend December 1 doc review meeting. This will be graded 75% individually and 25% on the basis of the whole document. Tag your name to your section(s). Minimum of 5 diagrams (each person captures at least 1 diagram) Structural diagrams (1 of each minimum) Deployment, class, object, Behavioral diagrams (at least 2 of 3 types) Sequence, activity, state machine (AT LEAST TWO OF)
What is in a functional spec? Structural part. Add new major section with subsections per student to doc. Do deployment subsection first – what app admin needs to know. Deployable piece parts & their relationships. What is needed to configure & run & support the application. The class diagram & subsection comes next. All of the classes & application-internal relationships among your classes. Show inheritance and/or association links to library classes. Do not show links between library classes unless they are relevant to your design.
Structural part continued. One or more object diagrams subsection. Each one shows an example instantiation of classes in the class diagram.
Behavioral part. Behavioral diagrams (at least 2 of 3 types) Sequence, activity, state machine (AT LEAST TWO OF) Show summary interaction of the structural entities. Activity diagram shows major decisions (if-elseif-else) and loops within a class’ method, with interaction to methods in other classes if important. An activity is a high level summary. Calls and uses of other objects can be summarized. Make sure to have some decision diamonds. See page 3 of
Behavioral part continued Sequence diagram shows method calls among subset of objects in an object diagram. Diagram 2 at tion.html is conventional sequence diagram. Page 2 at shows asynchronous (non-blocking) calls only if you need them. State machines diagram if appropriate to your design. If your UI walks your user through a sequence states, that might be a use for a state machine diagram.
What goes into the 2 written pages? Summary of what appears in the diagrams, along with any comments or important details that it is not possible to capture in the diagrams. Information on where to find the development libraries, their quality, documentation deficiencies, workarounds. Information on how to set up and use the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as Eclipse, Android Studio, or similar. This could be its own subsection. Anything that could be useful to another developer on your team who is not familiar with the design, that is not entirely clear just from looking at diagrams. If you run out of things to say, summarize the diagrams. I need to grade your writing.
December 1 consolidation session Combine all of your subsections into 1 document. Make sure the Design Spec reads as one document. There should be no omissions or extra pieces in one subsection that don’t correlate with another subsection. Critique each other for spelling, grammar, obscure sentences. Make final revisions & turn in 1 copy to D2L by end of December 2.