Notes on Cold War Culture “1950s America”
Watch the video and identify 3 characteristics of life in America in the 1950s
The end of WWII led to an era of wealth & spending in the 1950s: The war stimulated the economy & ended the Great Depression The economic boom allowed Americans to enjoy the highest standard of living in the world
Consumerism returned in the 1950s because for the 1st time since the 1920s Americans had money and access to consumer goods
Baby Boom: dramatic inc birthrates following WWII (1946-1964) Effect: Levittown – the first postwar suburb (Long, Island, NY)
2. Effect: Interstate Highway Act created 41,000 miles of new highway to connect major cities
Time Out 37. What was the Baby Boom? 38. What was Levittown? 39. What was the Interstate Highway Act? 40. How are the items above related?
Television Impacts society by modeling social values & the ideal Americans I Love Lucy Superman Davy Crockett “Bonanza” “Leave it to Beaver”
2. TV & Political Influence Senator Joseph McCarthy: Claimed to have list of known communists in state department Targets: government employees, Hollywood entertainers, educators, union activists Red Scare witch hunts
ii. Popular movies reflect the fears of the time “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” “The Blob” Hollywood used aliens as a metaphor for whom ?? (HINT: look at the colors) /watch?v=WFnSxeDfENk
Time Out 14. Who was Joseph McCarthy? 15. What kind of accusations did he make? 16. What is the Red Scare? 17. How was the Red Scare of the 1940s and 1950s different from the Red Scare in 1919? (look back to unit 6)
iii. Presidential debates (Kennedy / Nixon, 1960) iv. Civil Rights Movement – shows violence in South
Time Out 41. What impact did TV have on the American family in the 1950s? 42. What impact did TV have on the 1960 Presidential election?
Cold War’s Impact on technology Space Race US develops hydrogen bomb map location of testing site,+Marshall+Islands/@11.6038666,165.1038531,10z/data=!3m1!4b1!4 m2!3m1!1s0x644c2180a24fadbf:0x4c3f21ce9753a027?hl=en Binki Atoll testing Soviets launch Sputnik: orbiting satellite US (Neil Armstrong) lands on the moon (1969)
July 1969
b. Computers, televisions, cell phones, & air conditioning i. AC = increased migration to the Sunbelt
I’m gonna make bigger and better guns than you!!! HA!
Time Out 43. How has the development of the personal computer and air conditioning changed American society? 44. What was Sputnik? 45. What impact did the launch of Sputnik have on American society? 46. What did the launching of Sputnik start?
Cold War’s impact on education… NASA – National Aeronautic Space Administration National Defense of Education Act of 1958: improve science and math in schools to defeat Soviets
Cold War’s impact on daily Life Atomic Anxieties: “Duck-and-Cover Generation” 2. Atomic Testing: 1946-1962 → U. S. exploded 217 nuclear weapons over Pacific and in Nevada.
Crash Course Cold War Overview: https://www. youtube. com/watch
Investigate the question of what life was like for suburban women in the 1950s, specifically: Is the image of the happy 1950s housewife accurate?
Round ONE: Documents A & B
Round TWO: Documents C & D
Were women in the 1950s just staying at home Were women in the 1950s just staying at home? (Give evidence to bakc up your answer) Documents A & B say women were staying at home; but Document C & D say that women were politically involved and even working. Who should we believe? Why? Were housewives happy with their lives? (Give evidence to back up your answer) Do you think African American, Latino, Asian American, and women from other minority groups had similar experiences to those depicted in these documents? Explain your answer. Wrap up Questions: