To the chief Musician, set to Mahalath Leannoth Psalm 88 Background A psalm of sons of Korah To the chief Musician, set to Mahalath Leannoth Contemplation of Heman, the Ezrahite (? 1 Kn. 4:32, 1 Chron. 6:33, or 1 Chron. 2:6)
Theme of this psalm uncertain – suggestions: Psalm 88 Background Theme of this psalm uncertain – suggestions: A national lament in exile A dying prayer of a leper The saddest psalm of them all
Vs. 1-2 O Lord, God… Only positive acknowledgment. He trusted in God, even in calamity. Even in despair, his cries to God are continual Do you ever feel like this? Keep praying! (1 Thess. 5:17)
He is facing death, but he doesn’t want to die Vs. 3-5 Facing Death He is facing death, but he doesn’t want to die Death is uncertain Heb. 9:27 Are you ready to die and stand before God? 2 Tim. 6:4-8, Phil. 1:21-25
Vs. 3-5 Facing Death Vs. 5 – God has NOT forgotten the dead (though the ungodly will be eternally separated from Him) Eccl. 12:7
The verses are descriptive to some of disease Vs. 6-9 Despair The verses are descriptive to some of disease Vs. 7-9 – He attributes his state to the wrath of God! (Yet he acknowledges no sin or seeking forgiveness)
Vs. 6-9 Despair Should we blame God when we suffer? “Who sinned?” Jn. 9:2-3 Sometimes suffering result of sin, but often it is not! Suffering because of sin Rom. 5:12 When we do wrong, there are consequences!
Vs. 6-9 Despair Vs. 8 – His friends gone and he is as if imprisoned. How tragic! Loneliness!
Vs. 9b-12 A cry for mercy An appeal to extend his life He notes the good he can accomplish if he lives on, things not possible if he dies. Notice descriptions of death – grave, place of destruction, darkness, forgotten. Death is NOT the end! Jn. 5:28-29, Phil. 2:9-10
Vs. 9b-12 A cry for mercy An appeal to extend his life He notes the good he can accomplish if he lives on, things not possible if he dies. Notice descriptions of death – grave, place of destruction, darkness, forgotten. Death is NOT the end! Jn. 5:28-29, Phil. 2:9-10
Even in his despair and suffering, he prays every morning! Vs. 13 Continued prayers Even in his despair and suffering, he prays every morning! What about us? How often do we pray? When we awake?
Vs. 14-18 Despair, misunderstood Vs. 14 – He feels abandoned by God! Vs. 15 – afflicted (as if) from youth. Vs. 15b-17 – He attributes his despair to God Vs. 18 – Left alone in darkness