SAT WORD OF THE DAY JANUARY 6, 2017 candor (noun) Definition: Openness or frankness. Example of word used in a sentence: The writer spoke with such candor about his struggle with alcoholism that the interviewer was moved to tears. Now…write your own sentence using the word CANDOR.
SAT WORD OF THE DAY JANUARY 10, 2017 anarchy (noun) Definition: Chaos, lack of social order. Example of word used in a sentence: Some who reluctantly supported the tyrant feared that without a visible police presence, the country would spiral into anarchy. Now…write your own sentence using the word ANARCHY.
SAT WORD OF THE DAY JANUARY 12, 2017 misrepresent (verb) Definition: To present in an inaccurate, false, or unfair fashion. Example of word used in a sentence: The student purposefully told lies about the teacher to their parents to misrepresent the teacher as a bad person so that the student would not get into trouble for misbehaving in class. Now…write your own sentence using the word MISREPRESENT.
SAT WORD OF THE DAY JANUARY 19, 2017 amend (verb) Definition: To change or modify in any way for the better. Example sentence: The president believed the issue was an important one, but he did not agree with those who wanted to amend the constitution because of it. Now…write your own sentence using the word AMEND.
SAT WORD OF THE DAY JANUARY 23, 2017 discount (verb) Definition: To take no notice of; to reduce the price or value of Example sentence: Susie felt ignored and unimportant when her older sisters would discount her opinions. Now…write your own sentence using the word DISCOUNT.
SAT WORD OF THE DAY JANUARY 27, 2017 argot (noun) Definition: Jargon, lingo, the language of a particular class. Example sentence: In the argot of medical professionals, a "code blue" is a term for a patient who needs immediate resuscitation. Now…write your own sentence using the word ARGOT.
SAT WORD OF THE DAY JANUARY 31, 2017 combustible (adj) Definition: Capable of taking fire and burning; apt to catch fire; inflammable. Example sentence: To their horror, the girls discovered just how combustible a mattress can be when the candle tipped over on the bed and started the fire. Now…write your own sentence using the word COMBUSTIBLE.
SAT WORD OF THE DAY February 2, 2017 chagrin (noun) Definition: Dismay; vexation Example sentence: Sarah had looked forward to making her speech to the students, but much to her chagrin they only snickered at her ideas for better school social events. Now…write your own sentence using the word CHAGRIN.
SAT WORD OF THE DAY February 8, 2017 Demographic (adjective) Defintion: to trends in a population. Sample Sentence: The US census, which collects demographic information about people living in the United States, reports the changing rates of births, deaths and marriages around the country. Now…write your own sentence using the word DEMOGRAPHIC.
SAT WORD OF THE DAY February 10, 2017 animosity (noun) Definition: Ill will, hostility. Example sentence: The centuries of animosity between the feuding families led many to believe there was no chance for reconciliation. Now…write your own sentence using the word ANIMOSITY.
SAT WORD OF THE DAY February 14, 2017 miser (noun) Definition: One who hoards money and is hesitant to spend it. (You don’t have to copy the definition of hoards)** Hoards means to accumulate money, food, or the like, in a hidden or carefully guarded place for preservation, future use, etc. Example sentence: Charles Dickens' Scrooge is probably the most infamous miser in the literary world. Now…write your own sentence using the word MISER.
SAT WORD OF THE DAY February 16, 2017 alienate (verb) **alienates, alienated, alienating Definition: To make unfriendly or hostile, or indifferent where attachment formally existed. To cause to be withdrawn or isolated from the objective world. Example sentence: He alienated most of his teachers with his bad temper. Your position on the immigration issue may alienate some of your friends and family. Now…write your own sentence using the word ALIENATE.
SAT WORD OF THE DAY February 21, 2017 commonplace (adj) Defintion: Ordinary, pedestrian. Example sentence: Dismissing the chef's fare as commonplace, the food critic claimed that the new restaurant was a disappointment. Now…write your own sentence using the word COMMONPLACE.
SAT WORD OF THE DAY February 23, 2017 provoke (verb) Definition: To incite; to irritate. (You don’t have to copy the definition of incite, but if it helps you to understand what provoke means, then copy it.) **Incite means to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action Example sentence: Not wanting to provoke a riot, the teacher extended the due date of the project to the end of the class period. Now…write your own sentence using the word PROVOKE.
SAT WORD OF THE DAY February 27, 2017 extrapolate (verb) Definition: To expand given knowledge in order to make a prediction or conclusion about the unknown. Example sentence: Extrapolating from her experience working with chimpanzees, the animal rescuer determined that the gorilla would not attack her unless it felt threatened. Now…write your own sentence using the word EXTRAPOLATE.