Group Design Movement Investigation Your Task; To work in a team to investigate the Charles Rennie Mackintosh movement and the impact of this movement on product design Deliverables… All students must produce a product analysis. All students must produce a specification You must choose a range of household objects and re-design them in the style of your movement. You must then present your ideas in the form of a Third Angle Orthographic drawing. You will then gather your team together and give a short 3 – 5 minute presentation on the movement, what it is, what impact it has had on the design world. Then how your designs have been influenced. *Scan in all third angle drawings so that you can use them in your presentations.
Charles Mackintosh Design Movement Tasks to be completed….. Analyse the information provided on the design movement. Conduct a product analysis and create a specification Using this information and the design movement information redesign your product – 2 design ideas Draw one of these in isometric / orthographic projection
These lines must be light. These are the Construction lines Third Angle Orthographic Projection These lines must be light. These are the Construction lines Isometric View Orthographic Projection is a way of drawing an object from different directions. Usually a front, side and plan view are drawn so that a person looking at the drawing can see all the important sides. Orthographic drawings are useful especially when a design has been developed to a stage whereby it is almost ready to manufacture.
Third Angle Orthographic Projection Complete the third angle projection below and draw the isometric version of it Isometric View
Third Angle Orthographic Projection – Draw the object here in third angle orthographic projection
Third Angle Orthographic Projection – Draw the object here in isometric view
Design Process – (Design Movements, Product analysis – reverse specification, Ideas, Isometric) Charles Rennie Mackintosh … Combining a progressive modernity with the spirit of romanticism, the Scottish architect and designer Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868-1928) created many of the best loved and most influential buildings, furniture and decorative schemes of the early 20th century. Few designers can claim to have created a unique and individual style that is so instantly recognisable. Famous today as a designer of chairs, Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868-1928) was an architect who designed schools, offices, churches, tearooms and homes, an interior designer and decorator, an exhibition designer, a designer of furniture, metalwork, textiles and stained glass and, in his latter years, a watercolourist. Mackintosh was first employed by Miss Cranston in 1896 to provide a stencil decoration for the walls of her tea rooms at 91-93 Buchanan Street. These rooms had been built and refurbished by George Washington Brown of Edinburgh, with George Walton overseeing the decoration and providing the furniture. Mackintosh was asked to create a wall decoration for the ladies’ tea room, the luncheon room and the smokers’ gallery. His frieze depicted elongated female figures in pairs facing each other surrounded by roses. This commission led to others for Miss Cranston from 1898 to 1899 when Mackintosh had sole responsibility for the Argyle Street tea room (picture on right). For this, his first major commission for furniture, he designed his first high-backed chair. In 1900 he designed the ladies’ luncheon room and related rooms for Miss Cranston’s Ingram Street tea rooms and in 1903 the Willow tea rooms.
Product Analysis – Product analysis is probably the most useful research you can undertake. It involves looking carefully at a product, taking it apart (or imagining taking it apart) and working out how it was made You are expected to consider the wider implications of designing and manufacturing. Can the product be recycled? What does its life cycle look like? What has been the effect of this product on our lifestyles? Is a particular group of people excluded from using the product?
Specification – Your specification should provide a detailed description of what the product is to be. It should reflect information found in your research and a third party should be able to use your specification to start to plan and develop ideas which would result in a final product. Important criteria to consider; Target Market, Function, Size, Weight, Durability, Aesthetics, Materials, Safety, Cost, Environmental Issues, Manufacture, Packaging
Initial Ideas x 2 – You are to take the information in your specification, the product analysis, the design movement and redesign the product on the front sheet
3rd Angle Projection Symbol Third Angle Orthographic view of the chosen idea 3rd Angle Projection Symbol Appropriate sizes must be included on this diagram, all relevant detail, and must adhere to the Third Angle Standards