RELATIONSHIPS Intro to Wellness
Five Basic Needs Belonging: fitting in with others Power: feeling important, being respected Freedom: making your own choices Fun: finding joy in life Security: feeling safe both physically and emotionally
Types of Relationships Parent-child Family Friendship Romantic Student-teacher Coach-athlete Peers Acquaintance
What do Relationships Provide? Love Companionship Safety Shared Interests Affection Someone to have fun with Someone to share hopes & problems – listener Someone who is there for you Empathy Improves health – less production of stress hormones Increases longevity
Characteristics of Healthy Relationships Romantic Parent - child Friend - friend Teacher/Mentor/Coach - Student
Both physically, sexually, and emotionally Healthy Definition (1) Respect A belief that the other person has value and is appreciated; positive and supportive words to describe the other person (2) Safety Both physically, sexually, and emotionally (3) Support Building up the other person's confidence & strengths; encouragement (4) Individuality Each person in the relationship has their own lives and can focus on their own needs (5) Equality The belief that both parties in the relationship share decision making and are free to choose what is right for them (6) Acceptance The other person does not try to change you (7) Trust The belief that the other person in the relationship has your best interest at heart; being faithful & honest (8) Communication Both parties are free to speak what is on their minds (9) Fun Being in this relationship is enjoyable
Characteristics of Unhealthy Relationships Romantic Parent - child Friend - friend Teacher/Mentor/Coach - Student
(6) Other person tries to change you Unhealthy Definition (1) Disrespect The belief that it is acceptable to disregard another person's feelings, ideas, opinions, or wishes; this could be name calling, put downs, cheating (2) Abuse Physical, sexual, and/or emotional (3) Relationship = sex The belief that the main focus of the relationship is sex (4) Jealousy Combination of possessiveness, suspicion, rage, & insecurity (5) Manipulation The belief that it is acceptable to lie or use another person's emotions of vulnerabilities to get what is desired; this could include guilt trips, using alcohol to get sex (6) Other person tries to change you The other person makes suggestions or comments in effort to change the other person (7) Obsession/Possession The belief that another person is an object to use for one's personal benefit; including stalking, objectification, or controlling behaviors (8) No independence Not able to do things apart (9) Drama The belief that making up/breaking up, yelling, arguing, destroying property or a sense of conflict is part of a normal relationship
Dating Relationships Develop over time and may consist of: Friendship Romantic Love Intimacy involving sexual activity
Stages of a Dating Relationship Infatuation Short-term, intense attraction to someone new Based on physical, sexual attraction, status, personality Think about the other person all the time, spend all your free time with the other person and not with other friends, go out of your way to see the other person, don't want to hear anything negative about the other person, tend to make high risk choices, seeing the person as perfect, obsession Many times infatuation will end as a new person becomes object of desire Other times infatuation may mature as people get to know each other over time
Stages of a Dating Relationship Discovery The initial excitement of being together is subdued so you can discover who the other person really is You and your partner figure out each other’s quirks and things that bug you Figure out things that you like and respect about the other person You may discover that you are not right for each other after the infatuation has worn off
Stages of a Dating Relationship Commitment The relationship is settled, you know that you are together Share similar values, beliefs, interest, personality There is a concern for well-being of the other Relationship is built on trust and communication
Relationships Portrayed in Music Music, like food, can feed our brains and give us energy. But, it can also be filled with ingredients that can affect us negatively. Some music may even have an influence on our health and the health of our relationships. Let’s look at the nutritional value of some music lyrics!
Unhealthy Relationship Ingredients: Disrespect Abuse Nutritional Impact Amount Per Serving: Present (X) Intensity Level (1-5) Unhealthy Relationship Ingredients: Disrespect X Abuse Relationship = Sex Jealousy Manipulation Try to change you Obsession/Possession No independence Drama Healthy Relationship Ingredients: Respect Safety Support Individuality Equality Acceptance Trust Communication Fun