Moving to the Juniors Trim Trail – No Monkey Bars Toast / Fruit / Drinks – 20p / 30p / 40p New Playground (football, playground games) Packed lunches – Outside ( on warm days) Golden Time – Every Friday for Golden children. Choose from class or home – no electrical.
Daily Routine Early Morning Routine: Water Bottles -refilled Toilet Lunch Snack Registers close at 9am Prayers Lesson starts – All children ready to learn
R.E. Mondays – Worship for Year’s 1,2 and 3. Class Worships – In pairs, the children prepare and perform the worship to the class. Wednesday Word – We use the Wednesday word to learn about the Gospel for the week and as a basis for Key Stage Worship. Curriculum – At the moment, we are thinking about The Dignity of the human person and about how much God loves us. Mass – Beginning and end of the year, St. Peter’s and Paul’s Feast Days. Services – Harvest festival, Ash Wednesday and celebration of Easter.
Teaching and Learning English – National Curriculum Maths – National Curriculum Spelling – groups year 3 /4 curriculum words, scheme covering sound patterns Reading – groups / individual readers, Thursday mornings. Class worships- Children in groups of 2 Music – Mrs Battersby Tuesday French – Madame Rooney Tuesday
Reading All the class have now taken a book home. The guided reading day is Thursday, please ensure your child brings their book so I can teach from it, we do not have any spare. Please hear your child read out loud as this is an essential skill which is different from reading in their heads. This helps punctuating their reading, leading to better understanding.
Trips Each Thursday of Autumn 1, we will be going on a map walk around the local area. In Autumn we will be doing a geography and history field trip to Lytham In Spring we will be going to Ribchester to experience the Roman times. In Summer In our DT lessons, we will be designing a picnic to eat at the picnic tables in the school gardens.
Homework English –Reading, spelling or grammar Maths – tables practice3,4,8x tables in Year 3, number bonds or ixl practice on the internet. One other subject Be creative as you like in your approach to completing homework. You may use colours, sticky paper, pictures etc. Please use only the 2 sides given. If you want to do more work, please do, but put it inside an envelope or fold it up and pop it on the same page.
Curriculum Key learning and curriculum overview can be found on the school website under Year 3 Each week I post a blog to inform parents what is happening in Year 3, this often includes photographs. www.st-peters-pri.lancs.sch.uk
Behaviour Good to be green behaviour system. Verbal chances given, if behaviour continues – yellow warning card given. If this behaviour continues – red consequence card given. At this point, the child will need to miss part of their lunch play while we discuss ways of improving behaviour. Each card will go back to green at the beginning of the next lesson. Golden Time 2pm Friday a reward for excellent behaviour. Merit, Value and Writing rewards given every Friday.
Events Advent – Year 3 / 4 lead an Advent worship which is held in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church at night, during the last week of the Autumn Term. PTFA meeting sept 25th 7pm school Hall Our school needs you! Please come along to see what is involved in joining the PTFA.
Thank you for coming. All information and medical forms need to be returned by Friday please. If you have any queries, please catch me at the end of the day. Beginning of the morning is a little tricky and I may forget as it’s so busy. If you do need to let me know something before the end of the day, please write it on a note.