Welcome Parents to our first Year 6 SATs Presentation.
Approaching learning positively with maturity and independence. What’s Year 6 all about? Preparing children with the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to succeed in tomorrow’s world. Approaching learning positively with maturity and independence.
This is at three levels: Working towards the expected standard Children are assessed in terms of meeting the ARE standard (Age Related Expectation) This is at three levels: Working towards the expected standard Working at the expected standard (ARE) Working at greater depth within the expected standard. We need to be focused on ensuring children reach ARE and ARE with greater depth in RWM combined. (Reading, Writing, Maths)
Today’s aims: Exploring the expectations of the KS2 tests, which have been overhauled for the New Curriculum. Understanding how we will work together to support your child to reach these expectations by May.
When will they be taking place. Week commencing, Monday 14th May 2018 When will they be taking place? Week commencing, Monday 14th May 2018. Your child needs to be in school this week!
Timetable of the Week Monday: Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Paper 1 (45 minutes) Spelling test Paper 2 (15 minutes) Tuesday: Reading paper (1 hour) Wednesday: Maths Paper 1: Arithmetic (30 minutes) Maths Paper 2: Reasoning (40 minutes) Thursday: Maths Paper 3: Reasoning (40 minutes) Friday: Celebration (and sleeping!)
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Paper Paper 1: 45 minutes.
Paper 2: Spelling 15 minutes. Key areas which are tested: Rules for forming plural nouns (lorries, bushes) Silent letters (vowels and consonants – knee) Adding vowel suffixes to root words (tapping, paused, happiest)
Reading Paper 1 hour 3 separate texts. Children need to be able to read with a high level of fluency given the amount of time they have.
Mathematics Papers Paper 1: ARITHMETIC Focuses on Number and Calculation skills: application of mental and written methods. 36 questions in 30 minutes.
Papers 2 and 3: REASONING Will require children to solve problems and apply their understanding, knowledge or skills in contexts such as purchasing items (dealing with money and decimals), or converting measurements and calculating with shape. Children will also need to understand geometry and interpret statistics, using arithmetic and number knowledge to solve problems.
How can you help your child? Continue to provide the good support you have been doing! Avoid the ‘media hype’ and keep perspective. Keep focused on the targets your child has been set by me and the goals they have set themselves with their champions in school. Use online materials to consolidate learning and practice extra bits the children may have found challenging that day in addition to weekly homework.
Regular reading is an absolute must Regular reading is an absolute must. Discussing the content of the book with your child, the themes of the story is essential to them building meaning. Try drawing your understanding. Encourage your child to work to speed. Timed recall of times tables knowledge is vital – try it on the journey to school or in the car. Set mini challenges with timed periods to work out the answer – 10 seconds, 1 minute etc.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Practice overcoming challenging questions, modelling that getting stuck is not a problem and explaining the thought processes you carry out when you are persevering to solve these. Don’t be afraid to move on to another challenge before coming back to this.
Approach something from more than one angle: use software, games, activities, flash cards,. Make revision/practice fun and collaborative.
Specific support in Spelling and Grammar:
Specific support in Reading:
Specific support in Maths:
To find out more about what we’re learning, you can view our blog on our school website: www.captains-close.leics.sch.uk You can also follows us on Twitter: @accprimary
Any questions?