Good Morning! Please get out your HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX worksheet from yesterday and complete it. You have 15 minutes to turn it in! Using your textbook on page 78-79, answer the questions that are on the worksheet provided.
Unit 3-part 2 CULTURE (Page 80-85 in textbook)
Global Cultures I. Introduction The world’s people organize communities, develop ways of life, and adjust to the differences and similarities they experience. As the world becomes increasing interconnected, cultures spread and are shared. To help understand this cultural diversity, geographers divide the Earth into culture regions, which are defined by the presence of common cultural elements.
Global Cultures II. Intro to Elements of Culture In addition to population trends, geographers study culture. What is the definition of culture? The way of life of a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs. A particular culture can be understood by looking at various elements… LANGUAGE, RELIGION, DAILY LIVES, HISTORY, GOVERNMENT Can you think of anything that might define culture?
Global Cultures 1. Language People communicate info. & experiences and pass on cultural values and traditions. Sharing a language is one of the strongest unifying forces for a culture. Linguists, scientists who study languages, organize the world’s languages into language groups Map on Page 81 Click Here: What does the way you speak say about where you're from? NEW YORK TIMES
2. Religion Religious beliefs vary significantly around the world In many cultures religion enables people to find a sense of identity. It also influences aspects of daily life…can you give me some examples? Throughout history, religious symbols and stories have shaped cultural expressions. Map Page 82
Social Groups AND/OR Daily Lives Every culture includes a social system in which the members of the society fall into various smaller groups. A social system develops to help the members of a culture work together to meet basic needs. In all cultures, the family is the most important group. Most cultures are also made up of social classes, ranked according to ancestry, wealth, education, etc. Moreover, cultures may include people who belong to different ethnic groups.
4. Government A society’s government reflects the uniqueness of its culture. It maintains order within the country. It provides protection from outside dangers. It supplies other services to its people. All governments are organized according to levels of power (national, regional, and local) and by type of authority (a single ruler, small group of leaders, or a body of citizens or representatives)
Economic Activities How a culture utilizes its natural resources to meet human needs. Also includes the ways in which people produce, obtain, use, and sell goods and services.
Global Cultures III. Culture Regions To organize the understanding of cultural development, geographers divide the earth into specific areas called culture regions. Each culture region includes many different countries that have certain traits in common.
CULTURE WHEEL Directions: You must either draw (& color) and/or cut out a MINIMUM of 3 pictures that describe your culture, using the topics below, & present them on POSTERBOARD cut in a CIRCLE! You must also be prepared to present these in class (2 minutes). Language Religion Government Family Food Clothing Technology Values DUE ON Monday, October 10th