Roots of the Rwandan Genocide PreAP World Geography Africa Unit
For today, 03/28 Staple and turn in your work from Thursday Imperialism article DEED of “Berlin Conference” Belgian Congo article analysis Pick up a handout and quietly begin working European claims in Africa, 1914
Comparing War and Genocide Defined: armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country the deliberate killing of a large group of people targeted mainly at a particular cultural group Motivated by: Political reasons (gain territory, establish peace, eliminate threat, etc.) Desire to eliminate a group of people Examples: American Revolution, U.S. Civil War, WWI, WWII, Vietnam War, Operation Iraqi Freedom Armenian, Holocaust, Bosnian, Rwanda, Darfur
The Rwandan Genocide Approximately 100 days in April-July, 1994 800,000 – 1,000,000 more murdered (no records kept) = 10,000 per day, 400 per hour, 7 per minute, 350 this class period Massacre sites, many deaths from machetes
Links to be used with lesson