How to set up the Flexmort CoverCool™ (CuddleBlanket)
First ensure you have everything you should CoverCool™ unit & power cord Insulated duvet Cool pad & hose ColdFlowII & funnel Manual Loop back
Check the unit contains the correct amount of ColdFlowII If not remove the filler cap and fill to the red line with ColdFlowII It will not require very much fluid
Always use ColdFlowII Failure to do so can damage the machine, which will not be covered by the warranty If you require more ColdFlowII please email
Plug the power lead into the unit and switch on
The display will light up and an alarm may sound The display will light up and an alarm may sound. Do not worry, this is normal
Connect the hose, it does not matter which way around!
The two green lights on the front will be lit if the unit is set up correctly The green is the set point and the red is the actual temperature of the cool pad If the alarm sounds and the red light is lit see trouble shooting guide
To set/change the temperature Press the ‘P’ button SP (set point ) will flash Using the arrows set the green numbers to the required temperature Then press the ‘P’ to lock this in Most users have the CoverCool™ set at 8ׄ°C The unit will remember what the last setting was and when turned on again will revert back to this
The CoverCool system is now up and running, check the fluid it may need topping up Place the cool pad over the deceased who can be wearing clothes, a shroud or in a bodybag The cool pad is positioned just below the neck We recommend using a thin sheet between the cool pad and the deceased Use another thin sheet on top of the cool pad Lay the insulated duvet over the top, ensure that you cover the cool pad Tuck the duvet around the deceased to prevent the ambient air getting to the cool pad You can use any blankets or duvet over the top as below
When the unit is no longer required, disconnect the hose with the power on!
Turn the switch off and remove the power cable
Cleaning the CoverCool system The CoverCool can be cleaned with any standard plastic safe
You can also contact us at info@flexmort You can also contact us at and we will be happy to confirm the suitability of your current cleaner
Trouble shooting
I am getting condensation….. We recommend that two cotton sheets are used 1 under & 1 on top of the cool pad Depending on the ambient temperature these may require to be changed Ensure the insulated duvet is used, and is tucked around the deceased Try to minimise the amount of air reaching the cool pad The unit is alarming….. First check there is ColdFlowII in the reservoir Ensure there are no kinks or something such as a trolley wheel on the hose Check the connections at the unit and the cool pad It is still alarming, what can I do?
Find the Loop back… Connect Loop back… If the unit stops alarming try the cool pad again If the alarm continues to alarm or starts alarm again you do have a fault For further information or assistance please contact us at +44 (0)8455 333561