Glenwood Elementary 1545 Old Highway 221 S Marion, NC 28752


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Presentation transcript:

Glenwood Elementary 1545 Old Highway 221 S Marion, NC 28752 828-738-4220 1

United States Federal Government’s largest assistance program for schools. Purpose? To help every child receive a high quality education and to achieve the high standards set by the State of North Carolina. 2

How Does Title I Work? Federal government allocates money to the states. North Carolina’s State Title I plan describes: Standards for children’s learning. How to measure schools’ progress in student learning. 3

How? How Does Title I Work? North Carolina allocates money to school districts. How? Based on the number of low income students in each district. 4

How Does Title I Work? School district identifies schools that can receive the federal funds. 5

How Does Title I Work? All schools write a SIP (School Improvement Plan) for increased academic achievement of all students. Title I resources and requirements are included in the SIP. SIPs are continuously revised based on data and the needs of the schools. 6

How Does Title I Work Schools are also required to plan how they will involve parents in the education of their children. Each school must write, with the help of parents, a school Parent Involvement Policy. Glenwood’s policy was on the back of the school compact that parents signed. 7

How Does Title I Work? Glenwood Elementary McDowell County identifies schools that can receive federal funds: Eastfield Elementary Glenwood Elementary Marion Elementary Nebo Elementary North Cove Elementary Old Fort Elementary Pleasant Gardens Elementary West Marion Elementary 8

How Does Title I Help Children? Identify students most in need of educational help. Set goals for school improvement. Measure student progress using North Carolina standards/Common Core Standards Provide programs and services beyond what the district usually provides. 9

Title I at Glenwood Elementary Four staff members Programs: Guided Reading Groups, Intervention Strategies for small groups, Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention RTI Materials: Computers, document cameras, books, iPads for teachers, mini-iPads for students Family Nights Annual Parent Night

How Does Title I Help Children? Each school decides how Title I funds will be used in their school to improve education for all children. Data is reviewed to determine the greatest need in a school. School improvement teams, including parents, determine how Title I funds will support those identified needs. 11

How Does Title 1 Help Children? Involve Children’s Families in School Programs The school’s Parent Involvement Policy describes how schools and families work together to help children succeed. Accountability agreements (compacts) state the responsibilities for learning for parents, students, and school staff. Title I money can also be used to: Translate school information into families’ first language. Host activities to help families help children learn. Offer parenting classes for parents. 12

How Can You Help Your Child? Families are an Important Part of the Title I Team! Be sure your child comes to school ready to learn. Ensure your child: Is well rested. Has breakfast or gets to school on time to eat breakfast at school. Has homework completed. 13

How Can You Help Your Child? Families are an Important Part of the Title I Team! Attend your school’s Annual Title I meeting and learn more about Title I and your rights and responsibilities as a parent. Work with other families and teachers to revise your school plan or (SIP) and parent involvement plan. Attend your children’s school conferences and family activities designed to help your children succeed. 14

What are your rights under Title I? Know Your Rights You have the right to: See progress reports for your child and the school. Help decide if the school is meeting your child’s needs and offer suggestions for improvement. Request information about the qualifications of your child’s teacher. Be informed if your child is being taught for more than four consecutive weeks by a teacher not licensed in the area of instruction. 15

Parent Involvement and Parent Nights School Events School Events Glenwood Elementary School’s activities to promote parental involvement and communication include: Parent representation on The School Improvement Team Parent Contacts Meet the Teacher Parent Conferences Monthly PTO Meetings Parent Link School’s annual report card

Parent Involvement and Parent Nights School Events School Events Newsletters The website helps keep parents informed Parent Conferences are held at least twice each year Report Cards are sent at the end of each nine weeks Annually, the school report card is sent home to parents. agenda book Student Accountability Packets Volunteer Activities in the classrooms

Parent Involvement and Parent Nights School Events School Events Home visits are provided as needed The school webpage provides a wealth of information for parents/guardians The school improvement plan is reviewed and revised throughout the year. a school compact that outlines how parents, school staff and students will share the responsibilities for improved student academic achievement.

Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for! School Wide Open House Scavenger Hunt!!!