Root: Struct Meaning: Build Vocabulary Week 2 Root: Struct Meaning: Build
*Vocabulary words* Instruct Construction Misconstrue Infrastructure Obstruction Reconstruct Destruction Interact Incorporate
Construction (n) Something being built. The road is closed because of construction.
Destruction (n) Something that is broken down My brother ran through my Lego village causing massive destruction.
Infrastructure (n) The important parts of a town or city. Infrastructure is very important in a city so that people can get around and survive.
Instruct (v) Teach a subject or skill. Jamie can you please instruct Marco on how to change a tire.
Misconstrue (v) To take a meaning the wrong way. Megan misconstrued my words and got mad at me.
Obstruction (n) Something that blocks the way. Ben started choking because there was an obstruction in his throat.
Reconstruct (v) To build again. After the flood the people in the city wanted to reconstruct the hospital.
Structure (n) A part that is built. The architect designed the structure of the new museum.
Academic Words
Refer (v) If you refer to something you draw attention to it by mentioning it. Refer to the text when you answer your open ended response.
Synthesize (v) If you synthesize information you combine it in a logical way. Read these three sources on endangered species and synthesize the information to come to a conclusion.