Forces and Newton’s Laws of Motion Trashketball Forces and Newton’s Laws of Motion Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009
Newton’s Laws & Force 1st Law 2nd Law 3rd Law Forces Wild Card 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50
First Law - 10 Fill in the Blanks An object in _______, stays in ________. An object at ______, stays at _________.
How many objects do balanced/unbalanced forces affect? First Law – 20 How many objects do balanced/unbalanced forces affect?
First Law – 30 If objects in motion tend to stay in motion, why does a car slow down and stop moving after the car is no longer receiving gas?
First Law – 40 If a bike rider is speeding up as they ride are balanced or unbalanced forces at work?
First Law – 50 Team play! Draw a diagram that shows why a passenger in a car is pressed against the side of the car when it turns to the left or right. (Use a circle to represent the passenger, and a rectangle as the car, be sure to include the road)
What is the formula used in the second law.
Find the force that gets a 60kg object moving 3 m/s2 Second Law – 20 Find the force that gets a 60kg object moving 3 m/s2
Second Law – 30 What is the mass of an object that when pushed with a force of 24 N accelerates at a rate of 4m/s2?
Second Law – 40 What would the acceleration of an object be if it had a mass of 8kg and was pushed with a force of 48N?
Arrange the following numbers into the appropriate formulas Second Law – 50 Team Play! Arrange the following numbers into the appropriate formulas 44=ma 26=F/a 12=F/m 60 3 8 5.5 5 78
For every _________ there is an ______ and opposite _________. Third Law – 10 For every _________ there is an ______ and opposite _________.
If you push on an object as an action, what will the reaction be? Third Law – 20 If you push on an object as an action, what will the reaction be?
How many objects are involved in an action/reaction? Third Law – 30 How many objects are involved in an action/reaction?
Can a reaction force be greater or lesser than the action force? Third Law – 40 Can a reaction force be greater or lesser than the action force?
Third Law – 50 Team play! Draw a diagram showing the action/reaction forces of a soccer ball being kicked, then bouncing off a wall.
What force is always present on objects on earth? Forces – 10 What force is always present on objects on earth?
What kind of force is involved in pulling two magnets together? Forces – 20 What kind of force is involved in pulling two magnets together?
Forces – 30 What force is responsible for slowing objects that are touching the ground?
Forces – 40 What force is responsible for slowing objects passing through the air? (two possible answers)
Name the 5 categories of forces, as well as an example for each. Team Play! Name the 5 categories of forces, as well as an example for each.
Wild Card – 10 What concept did Newton theorize, which we now use today when sending satellites to space?
More mass an object has the more ___________ it has. Wild Card – 20 More mass an object has the more ___________ it has.
An object with a mass of 17 g? Wild Card – 30 Given a steady and constant force, which will accelerate more? An object with a mass of 17kg or An object with a mass of 17 g?
Wild Card – 40 When two plastic rings are pressed together, they both change their shape about the same? Which of Newton’s Laws explains this?
Wild Card – 5 Team Play! List the four major topics that contributed to Newton’s discoveries. (hint use your Newton Notes.)