O BJECTIVES Understand various methods of mobile device deployment Understand best practices of iPad utilization within healthcare Essentials of a BYOD policy
I P AD P ROJECT St. Marys / UGA / GHSU 110+ iPads to med students and employed physician preceptors Included deployment, training, policies, and support
D OWNLOAD A PPLICATIONS Draw MD Cardiology iPad MicroMedex Drug Information iPad, iPhone, Android Visual DX iPad, iPhone, Android, Web-Based
D EVICE U TILIZATION EMR remote access Medical applications Productivity applications Research Cloud Storage YouTube
D EPLOYMENT O PTIONS 1. Nothing Physician / Staff Owned Device EMR Access only through Citrix Receiver 2. Apple Configurator Hospital Owned Device 3. Mobile Device Manager (MDM) Hospital Owned Device
A PPLE C ONFIGURATOR Free to download on OS X 10.7 Hardwire the Mac to iPads Uses profiles to manage device Mandate Password Remove YouTube Various others Profiles can be removed by end user iPads must be manually audited
M OBILE D EVICE M ANAGER ASP Solution accessed via internet Wireless Management of iPads Ability to push out apps Admin notified if profiles are removed Tracks iPads UI requires no IT experience Cost is $3 per month per device Typically 25 device minimum
MDM V ENDORS Mobile Iron, Good, Air Watch Demo all of them Ask about purchasing agreements Dont use a cheap vendor or existing vendor just because Personal choice - Air Watch
D EMO A PPLICATIONS Productivity Apps Clinical Apps Enroll in MDM
L ESSONS L EARNED Adequate wireless network Dont assume people know iOS End user can remove any security that you put on iOS Not every vendor works with iPads Once one department gets an iPad they all want one
B RING Y OUR O WN D EVICE Primarily EMR and Make sure end user has password set on device EMR access Accessed via Citrix Receiver app Must use AD account for entry Must use EMR password Timeout after 30 minutes Three levels of security
BOYD – Password is mandated User must sign waiver and initial each time for below items User responsible for backups No hardware or software support Notify immediately if device is lost Will wipe all data if deemed necessary
C OMMON Q UESTIONS What about Android/Windows 8? What about Dropbox? How much effort is there to support iPads from IT? How secure are iPads? What happens when end user loses the iPad? How much hard drive space do we need and do we need 4G?
C ONTACTS Tyler Wallace St. Marys Health Care System Rudy Diedreck Visual DX Sales Jennifer Oates Air Watch Sales