Accountability for All Revamping Accountability to Accurately Appraise All Schools Ashley Daniels-Hall Robyn Madison-Harris
Problem: Accountability scores do not accurately appraise schools and has negative impact at all stakeholder levels: Students Teachers School, district, state leaders including policymakers Post-secondary institutions Entities that gain students as employees or patrons Families Communities Nation Introduction
Data Current, Present SPS CCR Grade-level content mastery State assessment EOC CCR Cohort graduation rate College entrance exam (ACT only) College enrollment Data
Missing but Present at Renew Accelerated High School and/or C F Rowley Alternative School provision of tiered services low pupil-teacher ratio instructional coaching accelerated instruction for EL/GT or advanced students teacher efforts contributing to school success PLCs for student data analysis assessment quality and content knowledge improvement counseling services offered to students social-emotional, substance abuse interventions arts, gardening, culinary, etc. course offerings restorative justice dropout prevention community partnerships Etc. Data
Context Work began in Picard and Pastorek Administrations Chapter 35 in Bulletin 111 Alternative/Office of Juvenile Justice Schools Resurfaced during White Administration after many years of negative school labels without complete, appropriate appraisal Study group per BESE School visits Report Context
Context Study group report Core components of effective alternative schools climate and culture collaboration counseling curriculum and instruction eligibility and placement parent-guardian engagement program evaluation staffing and professional development transitional planning Context
Context Study group formation and report Guiding principles for alternative schools effective alternative education services transitional processes and supports appropriate academic services and career readiness opportunities effective teachers and staff with comprehensive training on academic, behavioral, and social and emotional needs of students consistent data collection prioritization of referrals to alternative education services community partnership development Context
Recommendations Implement guiding principles at all schools Begin researching, modeling LA accountability after other states that/to give more holistic, accurate school appraisals CA-same indicators, differentiated measures Academic English Learner Progress Graduation Rate (graduates vs. cohort graduates example) Suspension Rate College/Career Chronic Absenteeism TX Local Accountability System Pilot-19 districts, formerly 20 4 Domains Climate/Culture Extra/Co-Curricula Future Preparedness Varying components and metrics per domain Recommendations References
References Ideation Partner Acknowledgements Appendices Orleans Parish Education Network Advancement Project Education Policy Fellowship Program at Orleans Parish Education Network The Data Center Appendices The Louisiana Department of Education Alternative Education Study Group Report Texas House Bill 22 Overview California Dashboard Alternative School Status Program Flyer Bulletin 111: The Louisiana School, District, and State Accountability System References