St. Clare of Assisi July 16, August 11, 1253


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Presentation transcript:

St. Clare of Assisi July 16, 1194 - August 11, 1253   Medieval Society and Women   Warring City States Nobility vs. rising Merchant class Family Protection of women  semi- enclosed lives marriage marketability  for           Power                 Peace                 Alliances Skills: household management             weaving & needle work             education reading, writing,              Latin         St. Clare of Assisi   July 16, 1194 - August 11, 1253

Early Life    Child of Offredicio Favarone    and Ortolana life of penance & works of mercy in her parent's home   Decision to give herself to God 1210: Heard Francis preach 1212: Decision to join Francis on Palm Sunday (March 20th)    leaving home through the door of the dead. Clare consecrating herself to the gospel and receiving the veil from St. Francis

Clare placed in Benedictine Monastery of San Paolo (papal protection) Father attempted to forcibly remove Clare Placed in Benedictine Monastery of Sant' Angelo in Panzo. Joined by younger sister, Agnes Established convent adjoining the chapel of San Damiano (lent by the Benedictines) Clare and her sisters

Clare and her sisters mourning the death of St. Francis (1230) 1215- 1219:  New foundations of Damianites in Spello & Monticello   1224: Clare becomes ill. Francis receives the stigmata 1129: Princess Agnes, the daughter of the King of Bohemia, establishes a monastery in Prague and eventually becomes St. Agnes of Prague. (Letters to this Agnes reveals much of Clare's spirituality.) 1230 Francis dies at the Portciuncula. Clare and her sisters mourning the death of St. Francis (1230)

St. Clare and the seige of Assisi (1240) 1240: The army of Frederick II (saracen mercenaries) attacked Assisi and scaled the walls of San Damiano. Clare, rising from her sick bed, went to the chapel and took the ciborium and faced the invaders. They fell back, dazzed.   1241: On June 22nd, a larger force led by General Vitale di Avers, attacked Assisi. Clare, gathered her sisters in prayer and presently a storm rose up, tipping tents and causing panic among the soldiers. Assisi was spared. The town commemorates their deliverance to this day. St. Clare and the seige of Assisi (1240)

1224: The beginning of St. Clare's illness due to severe fasting during her earlier years.   The story of the Christmas miracle when Clare was able to be "present" for the Christmas liturgy even though she was in her bed away from the chapel. She was able to hear and be present for the liturgy, later relating to her sisters, all that went on including the subject of the sermon. Based upon the Christmas miracle, St. Clare was named the patron saint of television by Pope Pius XII in 1958. August 11, 1253 Clare dies peacefully surrounded by 3 brothers and her sisters after receiving approval of her Rule. Clare's illness

Basilica of St. Clare Assisi, Italy 1255:   St. Clare Canonized   1260:    The Poor Ladies are transferred from San Damiano to the Basilica of St. Clare within in the walls of Assisi 1850:     Sarcophagus and remains of St. Clare found 1872::    Clare's body is placed in the new crypt of Basilica of St. Clare 1893:    Original Rule of St. Clare is found in the folds of her mantle. Basilica of St. Clare Assisi, Italy

Chronolgy of Poor Clare Rules   St. Francis' Formulae Vitae The Privilege of Poverty (Pope Innocent III) 1215 or 16 Hugolino's Rule (FLHug) 1219 Pope Gregory IX (formerly Cardinal Hugolino) refuses Poor Clares the Privilege of Poverty  (1217) Pope Gregory IX restores Privilege of Poverty (1218) Pope Innocent IV (FLInn) 1247 Rule of St. Clare (RCl) 1253 St. Clare's monastery in San Damiano was given the Privilege of Poverty by Pope Innocent II, but this was not universally given to all communities of Poor Clares.     Many monasteries had differing Rules with varying degrees of poverty and the use of possessions. The Benedictine Rule was used in many houses as its sole Rule.

Francis' Formulae Vitae   "Since by divine inspiration, you have made yourselves daughters and servants of the most High King, the heavenly Father, and have taken the Holy Spirit as your spouse, choosing to live according to the perfection of the holy Gospel, I resolve and promise for myself and for my brothers to have that same loving care and special solicitude for you as [I have] for them." This was the first and only rule for Clare given to her from Father Francis.  

The Privilege of Poverty (1215-16)   "No one can compel you to receive possesions" Innocent III called the Fourth Lateran Council which specified that new foundations of religious must take one of the already existing rules.   The Privilege of Poverty was granted after the Council but before Innocent II's death. It was given to St. Clare and her monastery at San Damiano.   Innocent III

Hugolino's Rule (1219) Based upon the Benedictine's Rule of Life   Removes the friars from ministry to the Poor Ladies Refuses Clare's ideals of the Privilege of Poverty Strictly defined enclosure 1227: Cardinal Hugolino (later becoming Pope Gregory IX)  binds the Poor Ladies to his Rule of Life (see slide).    When Clare refuses food brought by some friars because if she is deprived of her spiritual food from the brothers, then she will fast from real food as well, Hugolino relents and restores the Privilege of Poverty and the spiritual ministry by the friars in 1228. Clarian "enclosure" was more fluid up until this time since there were accounts of some sick, church leaders and Franciscan brothers having been present inside the monastery. The Clarian concept of seclusion  is more of an outward looking separation to preserve the way of contemplation rather than enclosure for it's own sake.

Rule of Innocent IV (1247) Lessens Fasting Permits possessions   Permits possessions Associates the "Damianites" to the Franciscan Order Abandons Benedictine Rule Enforced by papal decree 1250: Pope declares Poor Ladies no longer bound by this Rule   Since this Rule was enforced by Papal decree, it was a heavy burden for Clare and her sisters since it allowed possessions and did not recognize the Privilege of Poverty. Because of the major dilemma caused by the exclusion of the privilege of poverty (a major characteristic of the Poor Ladies),three years later in 1250, Pope Innocent IV declares that the Poor Ladies not bound by this Rule.

Rule of St Clare (1253) First Rule ever written by a woman   First Rule ever written by a woman Incorporates many ideas from the Later Rule of the Friars Three Characteristics All work with their hands Life in common The Privilege of Poverty Democratic in governance Approved by papal bull 2 days before Clare's death.   All the sisters work in a Poor Clare monastery, so there was no separation from the "extern" sisters (those allowed outside to shop, beg etc) and the "choir" sisters, it was seen as just another type of work. This was in contrast to other religious orders at the time which differentiated between choir nuns and externs. The choir nuns were of the higher, royal classes while the externs were the lower classes of women.

Spirituality of St. Clare   Contemplation/Transformation Mirror Image Spiritual Marriage/Spiritual Motherhood Holy Unity Is essentially Franciscan in nature with the same emphasis on following the gospel life, conformity to the Crucified, poverty, simplicity, and the brotherhood/sisterhood of all creation. St. Clare articulated these qualities in a specific contemplative and feminine expression.

St. Clare's Way of Contemplation   Gaze Consider Contemplate Imitate "gaze on [Him], consider [Him], contemplate [Him], as you desire to imitate [Him]." St. Clare of Assisi

Comparison of St. Clare with Classical Lectio Divina   Classic Lectio Divina Lectio Meditatio Oratio Contemplatio   St. Clare's Way Gaze Consider Contemplate Imitate Lectio= Hear the Word of God Meditatio= Reflect on the Word Oratio= The Word speaks to the heart Contemplatio=Rest in His Word   Gaze= Visual reading-Look with              the heart Consider= meditate Contemplate= Rest in His               Word Imitate= Transform yourself  through imitation so that you might share with others

“Place your mind before the mirror of eternity “Place your mind before the mirror of eternity! Place your soul in the brilliance of glory! And transform your entire being into the image of the Godhead Itself through contemplation”.  We unite ourselves with the Crucified through contemplation.     We become united with Christ and He in us, so that we become transformed.  We become mirrors (reflection of Him) in our lives as we bring Him to others. Contemplation is a tool (not the end) for this transformation of our lives. God will reward you with sweetness and delight with His love.

Mirror Image “Gaze upon that mirror each day, O Queen and Spouse of Jesus Christ, and continually study your face within it, that you may adorn yourself within and without with beautiful robes, covered, as is becoming the daughter and most chaste bride of the Most High King, with the flowers and garments of all the virtues. Indeed, blessed poverty, holy humility, and inexpressible charity are reflected in that mirror, as, with the grace of God, you can contemplate them throughout the entire mirror.” 1.  Jesus is seen as the mirror of God giving us reflections of the qualities of God. In a mirror, light (the expression of the presence of God) enlivens it. 2.  the mirror can can also remind us that as Christians we are transformed through contemplation; we in turn have to become mirrors and to reflect God   Parts of the Mirror: The border of the mirror represents the poverty of Christ who was born in a manger and wrapped in swaddling clothes, the surface refers to His life on earth and the depth refers to the death of Christ on the cross. Like mirrors of the Middle Ages (which are blemished and filled with imperfections), we are also imperfect and do not reflect the full image of Christ until we are transformed by Him. We are urged to contemplate the “mirror of eternity;” we are to become mirrors of Him when we are transformed into Him.

MYSTICAL MARRIAGE/SPIRITUAL MOTHERHOOD   MYSTICAL MARRIAGE/SPIRITUAL MOTHERHOOD Mystical Marriage (Union with God)  virginity as a prerequisite for greater spiritual fecundity  invisible martyrdom  transformation   Spiritual Motherhood  giving birth to Him to others  bore Him (Christ) in their bodies  model after the poor Mary who dressed her son in poor clothes "...because you are the Beloved and the mother and the sister of my Lord Jesus Christ"  

Holy Unity "In this Presence we are made one in Triune Love. Together we call upon the Spirit, together we join ourselves to Jesus to praise and thank our God. And all of us with unveiled faces like mirrors reflecting the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the image that we reflect in brighter and brighter glory." As Pope John Paul in Vita Consecrata writes: “Fraternal life, whereby consecrated persons strive to live in Christ with one heart and soul, is put forward as an eloquent witness to the Trinity. It proclaims the Father, who desires to make of all humanity one family. It proclaims the incarnate Son, who gathers the redeemed into unity, pointing the way by his example, his prayer, his words and above all his death, which is a source of reconciliation for a divided and scattered community. It proclaims the Holy Spirit as the principle unity of the Church, wherein he ceaselessly raises up spiritual families in fraternal communities.[1]    The Eucharist is the unifying force to unify the sisters in transformation.   The Poor Clare's life is a mirror of this holy unity of the Trinity. [1] Pope John Paul II, Vita Consecrata, 37.

Poor Clares Today   Each independant but loosely organized into Federations   All 4 vows: poverty, chastity, obedience & enclosure living the Rule of St. Clare derived from San Damiano, Capuchin, Colettine, 3rd Order contemplative traditions some offer spiritual direction but not all Foster connection with SFO, sharing, visits, Transitus of St. Clare, offer driving, shopping.  For SFO, prayer partners, sharing of common Franciscan roots.