Your essays are in the file folders… Grades will not be in until Monday, when Smith finishes the split-blocks’ essays. This is NOT a life changing moment, and you should try and avoid hyperbolic emotional responses. Important: Between now and Monday, Smith will NOT* discuss essay grades with you. There is a ~48 hour window for you to absorb and reflect on feedback. Smith has given each one of your essays over 15-20 minutes of attention, more than normal. Also more than research shows you can or will use next time.
Your essays are in the file folders… *Optional Assignment* Since this is your first literary analysis essay you have the opportunity to earn some writing points for a reflection. Reflect on your effort and engagement on the process; including reading the novel, writing the paper, editing your own work, etc. Reflect, acknowledge and respond to some of my comments on your work specifically. Do not bother with grammar or minor mistakes; focus on the categories of Thesis, Evidence, and Analysis. Specifically: how can you improve next time you write? Turn in stapled to the front of your essay, 1 page max. Due: Monday January 14th 5 points