Write these important dates in your agenda: 03/17/2017 Mon. (03/20) – Tues. (03/21) – Figurative Language Test Mon. (03/20) – Biblionasium Visit Wed. (03/22) – I.A.N. Check Thur. (03/23) – Report Card Distribution If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE
Language Arts Opening Session 03/17/17 Figurative Language Webquest TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO WORK ON THIS WEBQUEST! Make sure you completed all steps for days 1-7. Raise your hand when you believe you have finished everything. You will have an I.A.N. check Wednesday, March 22, 2017.
Language Arts – Work Session 03/17/17 REMINDERS The following items are DUE TODAY: Figurative Language Webquest – All Parts The following items are PAST DUE: Quarter 3 Benchmark Upcoming items: Figurative Language Test – Mon. (03/20) I.A.N. Check – Wed. (03/22)
Language Arts – Work Session 03/17/17 Figurative Language Webquest TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO WORK ON THIS WEBQUEST! Make sure you completed all steps for days 1-7. Raise your hand when you believe you have finished everything. You will have an I.A.N. check Wednesday, March 22, 2017.
Language Arts – Work Session 03/17/17 Essential Question: How can I adequately prepare for the Georgia Milestones? Standard: ELACC6RI1 – Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Language Arts – Closing Session 03/17/17 Figurative Language Webquest TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO WORK ON THIS WEBQUEST! Make sure you completed all steps for days 1-7. Raise your hand when you believe you have finished everything. You will have an I.A.N. check Wednesday, March 22, 2017.
S.T.E.A.M.– E.L.T. 03/17/17 Make-up Day Items you work on during E.L.T.: Marble Run – project Marble Run – packet Math work Check your Synergy accounts for all of your classes. Read.