Do’s and Don’ts of Lab Safety
How To Conduct Yourself No Horseplay! Be serious! I know this will prove to be the hardest thing for SOME of you! No sitting while performing most labs… Why?? Why wouldn’t you want to sit?
When It’s Lab Day… Food, Gum, and Drinks Go Away! No Eating No Drinking No Gum Or Candy In Your Mouth (Especially if it is in a test tube or beaker!)
Can you taste anything in the lab? Why or Why Not? DON’T TASTE ANYTHING!!!
Keep Your Sniffer To Yourself! Never, ever directly smell something in the lab! Always waft it… *aka- Use your hand to push some air towards you to take a sniff of it. GEORGE IS WRONG
Keep Your Lab Area Clean!
Lab Fashion Faux Pas No Baggy Clothes Or Legs Exposed No Putting On Make-up No Dangling Jewelry No Spraying Perfume Or Hair Spray No Wearing Your Hair Down
Goggles Make Science Clear! Wear Goggles When Necessary… Contacts = No No **Also, wear your lab apron/coat and gloves if the lab requires!
Woops…Uh-Oh…Oops…. Let me know if something breaks, cracks, chips, spills, etc! I am not going to get mad, mistakes happen…you just need to tell me right away so I can clean it up!
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY… 1) Eye Wash Station: The station should only be used if chemicals get in the eyes. Eyelids have to be forced opened to wash behind the eyelid. Be sure to wash from the nose out to the ear. This will stop you from washing chemicals back into the eye or into an unaffected eye. Flood eyes and eyelids with water for a minimum of 15 minutes. Contacts should not be worn during labs. If you are wearing them when involved with an accident, remove them as soon as possible to rinse eyes of any harmful chemicals.
What If the Chemicals Get On Your Body? 2) SAFETY SHOWER: You need to let me know right away and head for the safety shower. You need to remove the clothing that the chemicals have spilled onto right away.
FIRE, FLAMES DON’T PANIC! Alert your teacher right away! If someone is on fire, wrap the fire blanket around them and don’t forget the old stand-by… STOP -- DROP -- & ROLL! Use the fire extinguisher if necessary! P -- pull the pin A -- aim the hose at the base of the fire S -- squeeze the handle S -- sweep the hose back and forth
What To Do With Your Garbage! Dispose of waste in properly labeled bins or drains. If you are unsure, don’t assume… JUST ASK ME (the teacher)! **Why can’t you just THROW something out? **