Literacy Block Group Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 A B C D E Teacher-directed Lesson Follow-up Catch-up Student-teacher Conferences Guided Reading Writing Interactive Notebook Word Work Independent Reading Response B C D E All groups 1:05 - 1:25 Read Aloud Independent Reading
What’s What in Literacy Block Guided Reading You will be called to the U-shaped table to meet with the teacher. While there, you will read a text of some kind and participate in a conversation about the text. Independent Reading Response You will independently read a text provided for you and chosen by your teacher. After reading the text, you will answer one or more questions about the text. Interactive Notebook You will complete, and assemble in your Interactive Notebook, a foldable which relates to one of the topics we are currently covering (or are about to). Word Work These activities are designed to help you with areas of grammar and vocabulary use that have shown room for improvement through your writing. Writing You respond to a given writing prompt. You are to make note of the prompt you are working on by noting the code at the bottom of the card.