Chapter 19 : Lesson 1 Financial Institutions and Your Money
Essential Question: What is the value of learning how to properly budget your money ?
Financial Institution : group that channels savings to investors, including banks, insurance companies, savings and loan associations, credit unions.
Interest : payment made for use of borrowed money.
Interest rate : the price of credit to a borrower
Federal Reserve System (Fed) : a privately owned, publicly controlled, central bank of the United States.
Demand Deposit Account (DDA) : account whose funds can be removed by writing a check and without having to gain prior approval from the depository institution
Creditors : persons or institutions to whom money is owed
Collateral : something of value that a borrower lets the lender claim if a loan is not repaid
Secured : loan that is backed up by collateral
Unsecured : loan guaranteed only by a promise to repay it
Review Question: Chapter 19 : Lesson 1 Read pages 558-567 and answer Review Questions on page 567. Hand in Google Class Room.