Archana Mandape
234 million Wireless subscriptions in USA. Many players in the smart phone market. Apple iPhone OS, RIM BlackBerry OS and Android OS are operating systems. Mobile devices are getting faster processors Improved Wireless Network. An important platform for Web Applications
Consistent user experience Mobile Device Display Data Storage Speed
WebKit is an open source web content engine for browsers and applications. WebKit is used as the rendering engine within iOS, Android, Safari on Windows and also in Mac OS X. WebKit has a smaller footprint – less memory and CPU requirement. It is ideal for the mobile environments. It can be used for desktop and mobile web page development.
Mobile Device Display The size of the viewport and scale of the web page The device's screen density Using Viewport Metadata Automatic sizing
Defining the viewport scale. Its initial-scale minimum-scale maximum-scale user-scalable Defining the viewport target density. Its values can be. device-dpi high-dpi medium-dpi low-dpi
Cookies Stored on device memory Not suitable for large data Not reliable Client-Side Storage No Access for Web Apps HTML5 provides few capabilties Database on the Server Best available option Common technique - JASON
Reduce number of requests and amount of data transferred Avoid multiple file requests Data Compression Eliminate redirects
Developing Device Independent Mobile Web Applications can be achieved to some extent!!
Advance css By: Joseph R. Lewis; Meitar Moscovitz Programming the Mobile Web By: Maximiliano Firtman Towards a uniform web application platform for desktop computers and mobile devices By Tommi Mikkonen and Antero Taivalsaari