Albert Borschette Congress Centre CCAB WHO recommendations relevant to the parameters for bathing water quality in the Bathing Water Directive 2006/7/EC Update on the on-going grant agreement with the WHO Stakeholder Consultation Meeting 24 November 2017 Albert Borschette Congress Centre CCAB Rue Froissart 36 Brussels
Albert Borschette Congress Centre CCAB Article 14(3) BWD 3. … , the Commission shall, no later than 2020, review this Directive with particular regard to the parameters for bathing water quality, including whether it would be appropriate to phase out the ‘sufficient’ classification or modify the applicable standards, and shall present if necessary appropriate legislative proposals in accordance with Article 251 of the Treaty. Albert Borschette Congress Centre CCAB Rue Froissart 36 Brussels 24 November 2017
Albert Borschette Congress Centre CCAB Grant Agreement with the WHO on 'WHO recommendations on scientific, analytical and epidemiological developments relevant to the parametres for bathing water quality in the Bathing Water Directive' on-going since December 2016 final deliverables expected by June 2018 Albert Borschette Congress Centre CCAB Rue Froissart 36 Brussels 24 November 2017
Screening of relevant bathing water parameters Technical screening of BWD parameters, parametric values and prioritisation Identification of additional emerging contaminants Reflection on current classification system – first check of on appropriateness of the classification system Albert Borschette Congress Centre CCAB Rue Froissart 36 Brussels 24 November 2017
Albert Borschette Congress Centre CCAB Scientific evidence Completion of the scientific reviews for the background document (WHO internal document) reviewed by WHO WQTAG presented to JRC and BW EMEG presented to BWD Expert Group members Provision of scientific information in 4 fact sheets Albert Borschette Congress Centre CCAB Rue Froissart 36 Brussels 24 November 2017
Questionnaire addressed to MS distributed to BWEG members ahead of the EGM on 5 October 2017 responses received from 20 MS (AT/BE/CY/CZ/DE/EE/FI/FR/HR/HU/IE/IT/MT/NL/PL/PT/RO/SE/SI/SL) 24 November 2017 Albert Borschette Congress Centre CCAB Rue Froissart 36 Brussels
Bathing Water Directive draft parameter fact sheets Current parameters: intestinal enterococci Escherichia coli Other potentially relevant parameters: viral indicator Harmful algal bloom Albert Borschette Congress Centre CCAB Rue Froissart 36 Brussels 24 November 2017
Interactive group sessions - 24th November 2017 FIO parameters (enterococci, E. coli & viral) Methods & HABs Prediction & discounting Groups report back to plenary in the afternoon, possible further discussion Albert Borschette Congress Centre CCAB Rue Froissart 36 Brussels 24 November 2017
Albert Borschette Congress Centre CCAB Rue Froissart 36 Thank you Maja Feder EC DG ENV Unit C.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry Albert Borschette Congress Centre CCAB Rue Froissart 36 Brussels 24 November 2017