Imperialism Presentation Day 5 Minute Prep Time Presentations Imperialism Portfolio Checklist Homework: Imperialism Portfolio Bring stuff for the end of Unit Party
5 Minute Prep Time Take some time and talk with your partner Get all of your presentation stuff ready Be ready to go when your turn comes Prepare things to take notes on You will use these notes for your one page cover sheet in your portfolio
Presentations The Democratic Republic of the Congo and Republic of the Congo (Zaire, Belgian Congo) Ethiopia Somalia (Italian and British Somaliland) Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda (German East Africa) Uganda (British) Sierra Leone (British) Ghana (The Gold Coast, British) South Africa (Union of South Africa) Nigeria (British) Sudan (Anglo Egyptian Sudan) Zanzibar and Zimbabwe (Northern and Southern Rhodesia, British) Botswana (Bechuanaland, British) Central African Republic (French Equatorial Africa) Eritrea (Italian) Angola (Portuguese)
Imperialism Portfolio Checklist Due: Next Time I See You Be sure to include the checklist when you turn in your portfolio
End of Unit Party Sign up on the board to bring stuff for the end of unit party