Farmers New France
Farmers Use pages H15 through H18 to complete the following three tasks: 1. Define: seigneur (seigneurie), habitants, fille du roi, and dowry on the sheet provided. 2. Read about, and on the organizer provided, record key information about: seigneurs, seigneuries, habitants and filles du roi. /12 3. On the organizer provided, record the chores of a habitant in each of the four seasons. /12
Chapter 1 Quiz Three lessons from now you will be writing a quiz on chapter 1 from your text. This quiz will cove the first 13 lessons of history. There is no review for this quiz, so you will need to use your notes to study the materials. Be sure you know your definitions, and review the assignments/questions that have been assigned to date. I would recommend you make yourself a study sheet, and share/compare these with your peers.
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Farmers Please take out your answers to "Farms of New France" and "What a Habitant Did Each Season.
Life as a Habitant – Letter Assignment Today you will start an assignment that will be handed in and graded for both History and Writing. Write a letter or journal entry, as a habitant, to a friend back in France Letter/journal entry will describe your life as a habitant Needs to include at least 10 facts about life as a habitant Use proper formatting/style When you submit your letter, please include, on a separate piece of paper, a dotjot list of the ten facts you have included