English I Tuesday, September 6
You need your SWRP book. We start right after announcements! Welcome Make sure phones are away when the bell rings and you are in your seat. Make sure pencils are sharpened before the bell rings! You need your SWRP book. We start right after announcements!
Picture Day, Summer Reading Assignment, and Whirlie Wednesday
About 25% put three days as the late work……. What is the real answer? Procedures Worksheet About 25% put three days as the late work……. What is the real answer?
What are VERBS? A verb is a "doing" word. A verb can express: A physical action (e.g., to swim, to write, to climb). A mental action (e.g., to think, to guess, to consider). A state of being (e.g., to be, to exist, to appear).
What is an action verb? An action verb (tell, hit, yell) tells what action someone or something is performing.
The words are action verbs: ran coughed swallowed ride sang awake
Can you find the action verb in each sentence? The girls danced in the recital. Our mailman drove a funny car last week. His teacher wrote the answers on the board.
Subject + Action Verb + Predicate FORMULA Subject + Action Verb + Predicate Jonathan walked home. Jonathon hit the baseball into the next yard. Jonathan unfortunately broke his bicycle.
Plagiarism Mini-Lesson Scenarios Article Notes HW
English I Wednesday, September 7
Welcome Make sure phones are away when the bell rings and you are in your seat. Make sure pencils are sharpened before the bell rings! You will need your warm up sheet from yesterday and something to write with.
Auxiliary/Helping Verbs A helping verb works with a main verb to help you understand what action is taking place. Elmer was using the computer.
Auxiliary Verbs may might must be being been am are is was were (main) do does did should could would have had has will can shall
Where are the main and auxiliary verbs? 1. When are you going on your canoe trip? 2. Mr. Costello is constantly giving us directions.
Formula Subject + Auxiliary Verb+ Action/Main Verb +Predicate Jonathan was driving to the football game. Jonathan must be exhausted from all this drama. Jonathan should have called the wedding off.
Agenda Warm Up Genre Notes Activities for Genre if time permits?
English I Thursday, September 8
Linking Verbs A linking verb is a verb that does not show action. It links the subject of the sentence to a word or phrase in the predicate that renames or describes the subject The verb be is a linking verb, Am, is, and are are the present tense linking verbs. Examples: I am happy. Madison is my daughter. We are a happy family.
Choose the Linking Verb I _________ in second grade. That ____________ a funny joke.
Formula Subject + Linking Verb + Renaming or Describing Subject Jonathan is a young man. Jonathan will be a freshman. The eggs smell rotten.
Agenda Warm Up Genre Worksheet in Groups Bookmark Creation
Bookmark Requirements The genre you chose and your full name written somewhere on bookmark. Visuals that highlight characteristics of your genre Must show an effort with creativity and an attempt at innovative architecture Could also have titles of books that fit that genre. Or a bookmark that highlights one book in particular of that genre.