Greek and Latin Roots Week 6
hypo Meaning: beneath; lower; under Examples: hypothermia hypochondria Abnormally low body temperature hypochondria Unfounded belief that one is often ill
inter Meaning: among; between; within; mutual Examples: intersperse Distribute among; mix with internecine Deadly to both sides
Word Associations Which word goes with intertwine? Which word goes with “always feeling sick”? Which word goes with temperature? Which word goes with “affecting both sides”?
ject Meaning: throw; fling Examples: trajectory interject Path taken by a projectile interject Interpose; insert
jur/jud Meaning: swear; law; judge; just Examples: judicious perjure Wise; sound in judgment perjure Tell a lie under oath
Word Associations Which word goes with entering? Which word goes with “being knowledgeable”? Which word goes with a pathway? Which word goes with “being deceitful”?
lect/leg Meaning: read; choose Examples: legible predilection readable Preference; liking
liber Meaning: free Examples: liberation libertine Freedom; emancipation libertine One without moral restraint
Word Associations Which word goes with “to prefer something”? Which word goes with comprehensible? Which word goes with opportunity? Which word goes with “having no morals”?
liter Meaning: letter Examples: alliteration literal Repetition of a consonant sound at the beginning of a word literal Limited to the most obvious meaning of a word
luc/lum Meaning: light Examples: lucid elucidation Bright; clear clarification
Word Associations Which word goes with “an explanation of something”? Which word goes with definitions? Which word goes with word usage? Which word goes with “able to see through”?
macro Meaning: large; long Examples: macroeconomics macroscopic Study of the overall workings of the economy macroscopic Large enough to be seen with the naked eye
magn Meaning: great Examples: magnify magnitude enlarge Extent; greatness of size
Word Associations Which word goes with economy? Which word goes with “to look at a large item”? Which word goes with importance? Which word goes with “to make bigger”?