LAMAS Working Group 12-13 December 2013 Agenda Item 2.6 Household income
Household income: progress report Dedicated electronic discussion group Composition: 10 countries (UK,SI,PT,IT,GR,DE,CH,EE,PL,TR) Time frame: October 2013 – April 2014 Work progressing as scheduled
Household income: Working phases (1/2) Evaluation of the "HHINCOME" questions (week 46-49) Analysis of the existing questions in EE, DE, CH Development of a model questionnaire (week 51-5/2014) Drafting of a proposal for a HHINCOME module
Household income: Working phases (2/2) Other measurement issues (week 5-9) Discussion of specific issues relating to the HHINCOME module (household member, wave approach, using registers, etc.) Final discussion on the draft questionnaire and measurement issues (week 11-14) Output: Module to be tested in 2nd half 2014