Physical Science 10/3 Warm up: What usually happens to the density of matter when temperature is increased? Today’s activities: Warm up Review notes for quiz about Kinetic Theory and States of Matter (Tuesday) Review game (kinetic theory) Review Game (states of matter) Battleship Review Game (matter) hangman Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 10/2 Warm up: Describe the molecular motion (speed) and configuration (closeness) in an object that freezing. Today’s activities: Warm up Review notes for quiz about Kinetic Theory and States of Matter (Tuesday) Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/29-10/2 Warm up: NO warm up question Today’s activities: Warm up Typing experiment report due 10/2 Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/26 Warm up: Explain some uses/examples of of non-newtonian fluid. Today’s activities: Warm up Hints, tips on experiment report. Anchor Papers Kinetic theory animations Kinetic Theory (tutorvista) States of Matter Videos of Non Newtonian fluid in action Article about uses of another Non Newtonian fluid Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/25 Warm up: Rephrase the Kinetic Molecular Theory in your own words. Today’s activities: Warm up Hints, tips on experiment report. Anchor Papers Kinetic theory animations Kinetic Theory (tutorvista) States of Matter Videos of Non Newtonian fluid in action Article about uses of another Non Newtonian fluid Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/24 Warm up: Why is it important to introduce the reader to the topic of your experiment? Today’s activities: Warm up Hints, tips on experiment report. Anchor Papers Kinetic theory animations Kinetic Theory (tutorvista) States of Matter Videos of Non Newtonian fluid in action Article about uses of another Non Newtonian fluid Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/23 Warm up: Why is it important to cite your sources in your report? Today’s activities: Warm up Typing Experimental procedures. Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/22 Warm up: Why is it important to include all of the parts of an experiment report? Today’s activities: Warm up Typing Experimental procedures. Anchor Papers Kinetic theory animations Kinetic Theory (tutorvista) States of Matter Videos of Non Newtonian fluid in action Article about uses of another Non Newtonian fluid Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/18 Warm up: Why is it important to use very specific language when typing your procedure? Today’s activities: Warm up Typing introduction to experiment and experimental procedures. Wed: Part 2 of experiment: Measuring viscosity Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/17 Warm up: No warm up today. Today’s activities: Reading work sample “Chemicals” Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/16 Warm up: Why is it important to write down the results to every trial even if it was unsuccessful? Today’s activities: Warm up Part 2 of experiment: Measuring viscosity Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/15 Warm up: What does viscosity measure? Today’s activities: Warm up Part 2 of experiment: Measuring viscosity Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/12 Warm up: Give an example of something that is precise but not accurate. Today’s activities: Warm up Part 2 of experiment: Measuring viscosity Assignments: Read pages 1-11 p.11 #1-8 due Friday p. 14 vocabulary due Friday Read page 19 and in 1 paragraph explain the difference between precision and accuracy due Friday. Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/11 Warm up: List the 4 concentrations that you tested and if it formed a non-newtonian fluid. Today’s activities: Warm up Building a data table / Graphing Assignments: Read pages 1-11 p.11 #1-8 due Friday p. 14 vocabulary due Friday Read page 19 and in 1 paragraph explain the difference between precision and accuracy due Friday. Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/10 Warm up: What are some sources of error in this experiment? How will you minimize the amount of error? Today’s activities: Warm up Testing viscosity of the experimental fluid ratios Assignments: Read pages 1-11 p.11 #1-8 due Friday p. 14 vocabulary due Friday Read page 19 and in 1 paragraph explain the difference between precision and accuracy due Friday. Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/9 Warm up: Why is it important for everyone in your group to record all activities and observations of the experiment? Today’s activities: Warm up Testing viscosity of the experimental fluid ratios Assignment: Read pages 1-11 p.11 #1-8 due Friday Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/8 Warm up: What were some observations that you made about the behavior of the non-newtonian fluid? Today’s activities: Warm up Testing viscosity of the experimental fluid ratios Emergency procedures (if time permits) Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/5 Warm up: Which variables will affect how viscous (thick) the mom-newtonian fluid will be? Today’s activities: Warm up Testing viscosity of the experimental fluid ratios Emergency procedures (if time permits) Standard: H3 S1
Physical Science 9/4 Warm up: How is a theory different from a hypothesis? Today’s activities: Warm up Video clip: Theory/ Hypothesis Video clip: experiment design Mini-Experiment: Liquid or Solid (non-Newtonian fluid) Emergency procedures (if time permits) Upcoming events: Friday Syllabus due Writing assignments due Standard: H3 S1
Exit question: Summarize each of the four big ideas in science found on pages 5 and 6 into one sentence for each big idea.
Warm up:What makes a topic scientific? Physical Science 9/3 Warm up:What makes a topic scientific? Today’s activities: Warm up Review of procedures/ book check out Group activity: scientific processes Emergency procedures (if time permits) Upcoming events: Friday: -Syllabus due
Physical Science Think/Write/Share: How is a scientific theory different from a scientific law? Give an example of a scientific theory and a scientific law. (see page 9)
Exit question: (see page 9) What does the Kinetic Theory explain? What does Newton’s law of gravity describe?